Who are you, Gray?
I do not know, have you ever read the book the main hit of the summer, which became the first bestseller in England, the USA and in general throughout the Western world. Heath, gave birth to a new genre of book, written by an English Erika Leonard 48-49 years, who wrote under the pseudonym EL him James. "Fifty Shades of Grey", in my opinion, has no artistic value, but my words are not true for women of all ages around the world who have read this fanfic and went crazy on it.
In late August, the book promised to translate into Russian and, according to dispatches from bookstores, some of the publishers have made the same "Fifty Shades of Grey" in the light.
If you have not read the book, had not heard about it and did not understand what was going on, this little excursion - for you. "Fifty Shades of Grey" - fanfic, that is art created on the basis of certain work (film, games), an ardent fan of the work itself. Erika Leonard was a fan of "twilight" and wrote a story about love for a more adult audience, based, of course, on the love story of Bella and Edward. In her book, the main characters are college graduate Anastasia Steele and who would doubt handsome billionaire Christian Grey, who, by the way, not surprisingly Anastasia is committed candy buketny relations and prefer something harder and hotter.
By the way, the cover of the book and its author.
Write a review for kniu not see the point, especially as the writing is absolutely nothing, because it is - a set of incredibly nonsense, nonsense and stamps. More books I'm interested in the film. Not so much a movie as caste, which is still unknown.
After the film rights to the book to buy the company, together with Universal Pictures Focus Features, and producers signed Mike De Luca and Dana Brunette, who worked on the film "The Social Network", the inhabitants of the Internet blown away. Fans now book Erika Leonard put forward their version of who should play the main role. Particularly hotly-contested Christian Grey.
Based on the story of the book, on how Christian Gray presented his creator and countless discussions on the internet, I decided to compile a list of actors that form the Mr. Gray would come.
So, it should be attractive in appearance a young man, 27-28 years old, with gray eyes and dark tousled hair, which will be equally look great in a business suit (preferably gray), faded jeans and Converse, naked and in a sports car, at the controls of an airplane or helicopter and, mainly, with a whip in the Red Room of Pain (XLI). It should harmoniously and almost simultaneously exhibit such ambivalent status as a desire to catch-just a desire, sadness, almost touching children's joy and anger.
If you do not strain your imagination can become obvious contender Robert Pattinson, from which the image of Christian Gray and retired. Yes, this is obvious, but it is unlikely for several reasons. I must confess that I have a quarter of the book, in general, do not strain the imagination, and it is represented in the form of Gray Pattinson.
Rumor has it that the candidate number one in the list above mentioned film companies for the role of Christian Grey listed Ryan Gosling. I love this actor, but he is a bit old for this role?
I would have nominated Armie Hammer. Yes, maybe he's too cute for the dominant role of the Lord, but is perfect for the role of attractive billionaire, through the work of his grandfather whom, apparently, is.
But if Hammer looks too cute, the charming brutal Henry Cavill exactly fit for the role of Christian. But it is unlikely to be invited, as he managed to establish himself as an actor, action movies.
The following candidates are also unlikely to send an invitation to the shooting of the film, because he is not an actor at all. A film with his participation because it is considered right? However, Jon Kortaharena very famous male model, would look good in the movie, even with lenses that would hide his brown eyes ... But it is, in order of delirium.
And if no nominee Jon, almost his namesake, Ian, is likely to be considered by the studios. Especially because Somerhalder has already expressed his desire to be reincarnated as a sexual billionaire.
In the Internet often offer Alexander Skarsgard on the role of Christian Grey, also often appear in the lists of Matt Bomer and Michael Fassbender. No doubt, they are beautiful. But apparently these guys for 28-year-old boys are not like (although, who said that the writers will relentlessly follow the plot of the book?)
Theoretically the role of Gray, I would suggest Chris Pine, but on one of the Late Night Show, he assured that "Fifty shades of gray" will not be removed.
What do you think? Who would like to see in the role of the seductive handsome man with an unusual fad in a future film adaptation of the book "Fifty Shades of Grey"? :)
In late August, the book promised to translate into Russian and, according to dispatches from bookstores, some of the publishers have made the same "Fifty Shades of Grey" in the light.

If you have not read the book, had not heard about it and did not understand what was going on, this little excursion - for you. "Fifty Shades of Grey" - fanfic, that is art created on the basis of certain work (film, games), an ardent fan of the work itself. Erika Leonard was a fan of "twilight" and wrote a story about love for a more adult audience, based, of course, on the love story of Bella and Edward. In her book, the main characters are college graduate Anastasia Steele and who would doubt handsome billionaire Christian Grey, who, by the way, not surprisingly Anastasia is committed candy buketny relations and prefer something harder and hotter.
By the way, the cover of the book and its author.

Write a review for kniu not see the point, especially as the writing is absolutely nothing, because it is - a set of incredibly nonsense, nonsense and stamps. More books I'm interested in the film. Not so much a movie as caste, which is still unknown.
After the film rights to the book to buy the company, together with Universal Pictures Focus Features, and producers signed Mike De Luca and Dana Brunette, who worked on the film "The Social Network", the inhabitants of the Internet blown away. Fans now book Erika Leonard put forward their version of who should play the main role. Particularly hotly-contested Christian Grey.
Based on the story of the book, on how Christian Gray presented his creator and countless discussions on the internet, I decided to compile a list of actors that form the Mr. Gray would come.
So, it should be attractive in appearance a young man, 27-28 years old, with gray eyes and dark tousled hair, which will be equally look great in a business suit (preferably gray), faded jeans and Converse, naked and in a sports car, at the controls of an airplane or helicopter and, mainly, with a whip in the Red Room of Pain (XLI). It should harmoniously and almost simultaneously exhibit such ambivalent status as a desire to catch-just a desire, sadness, almost touching children's joy and anger.
If you do not strain your imagination can become obvious contender Robert Pattinson, from which the image of Christian Gray and retired. Yes, this is obvious, but it is unlikely for several reasons. I must confess that I have a quarter of the book, in general, do not strain the imagination, and it is represented in the form of Gray Pattinson.

Rumor has it that the candidate number one in the list above mentioned film companies for the role of Christian Grey listed Ryan Gosling. I love this actor, but he is a bit old for this role?

I would have nominated Armie Hammer. Yes, maybe he's too cute for the dominant role of the Lord, but is perfect for the role of attractive billionaire, through the work of his grandfather whom, apparently, is.

But if Hammer looks too cute, the charming brutal Henry Cavill exactly fit for the role of Christian. But it is unlikely to be invited, as he managed to establish himself as an actor, action movies.

The following candidates are also unlikely to send an invitation to the shooting of the film, because he is not an actor at all. A film with his participation because it is considered right? However, Jon Kortaharena very famous male model, would look good in the movie, even with lenses that would hide his brown eyes ... But it is, in order of delirium.

And if no nominee Jon, almost his namesake, Ian, is likely to be considered by the studios. Especially because Somerhalder has already expressed his desire to be reincarnated as a sexual billionaire.

In the Internet often offer Alexander Skarsgard on the role of Christian Grey, also often appear in the lists of Matt Bomer and Michael Fassbender. No doubt, they are beautiful. But apparently these guys for 28-year-old boys are not like (although, who said that the writers will relentlessly follow the plot of the book?)

Theoretically the role of Gray, I would suggest Chris Pine, but on one of the Late Night Show, he assured that "Fifty shades of gray" will not be removed.

What do you think? Who would like to see in the role of the seductive handsome man with an unusual fad in a future film adaptation of the book "Fifty Shades of Grey"? :)