Ian Usher
Meet Ian Usher, until recently, 50 year-old carpet salesman originally from Australia.
When his marriage to his wife Laura collapsed bringing the burdens of the division of property, a black band and depressed in life, Ian had found a way to start a new.
Exactly. Ian sold his life on ebay, literally. The exhibition "Life Ian Usher" on Ebay gone: the house with all the furniture and appliances, cars, motorcycles, jet ski, skydiving equipment, workplace, meeting with all the colleagues and friends. Asher commented on the lot: "I've had enough of my life, I do not need her anymore." The starting price of which amounted to $ 1.
A week later, Ian has at its disposal 305 000 dollars! "I always dreamed of adventures - says Ian - but in reality melancholy worked in one place uneventfully. I decided to do all dreamed about. "He made a list of 100 cases which gave himself for 100 weeks. Then he flew to Dubai that would go skiing on the white sands.
The next two years traveling all the time Asher: running with the bulls in Spain, swam with sharks in Africa, in Japan - with the whales. He learned to fly a plane, walked on the Wall of China, saw all of the largest waterfalls in the world. In London, he saw his idol - Richard Brensenom. And in Hollywood, she starred in a small role in the movie. He is a long time to convince the producers that the shooting was not his dream, and he is ready to shoot for free.
After 2 years, 270 thousand dollars and 93 desires later (such as "Learning in a dream to realize that you're in a dream" and "Go down to the bottom of the ocean to see the Titanic," he spat), Ian decided to buy an island off the coast of Panama. With his hands he built a house and lived there with his girlfriend Mo. They met riding a dog sled in Canada, where he acquired the publishing house which publishes children's books. That's how he makes his living, and said: "In normal operation, I never return.»
Now, four years later, 50-year-old Ian Usher absolutely happy. He has written several books and is discussing with the producers of the possible adaptation of its history. "I'm incredibly happy about it, he says. - But you know even more amazing to me is that sometimes come up to me and tell strangers how my story has changed their lives, they have made their own lists of destinations and living that would achieve them. I think the world would look very nice if all pursued their goal. " What happened to the old life of Ian Usher, carpet seller? It is nothing about it knows, but hopes that she relished her new owner.

When his marriage to his wife Laura collapsed bringing the burdens of the division of property, a black band and depressed in life, Ian had found a way to start a new.


Exactly. Ian sold his life on ebay, literally. The exhibition "Life Ian Usher" on Ebay gone: the house with all the furniture and appliances, cars, motorcycles, jet ski, skydiving equipment, workplace, meeting with all the colleagues and friends. Asher commented on the lot: "I've had enough of my life, I do not need her anymore." The starting price of which amounted to $ 1.

A week later, Ian has at its disposal 305 000 dollars! "I always dreamed of adventures - says Ian - but in reality melancholy worked in one place uneventfully. I decided to do all dreamed about. "He made a list of 100 cases which gave himself for 100 weeks. Then he flew to Dubai that would go skiing on the white sands.

The next two years traveling all the time Asher: running with the bulls in Spain, swam with sharks in Africa, in Japan - with the whales. He learned to fly a plane, walked on the Wall of China, saw all of the largest waterfalls in the world. In London, he saw his idol - Richard Brensenom. And in Hollywood, she starred in a small role in the movie. He is a long time to convince the producers that the shooting was not his dream, and he is ready to shoot for free.

After 2 years, 270 thousand dollars and 93 desires later (such as "Learning in a dream to realize that you're in a dream" and "Go down to the bottom of the ocean to see the Titanic," he spat), Ian decided to buy an island off the coast of Panama. With his hands he built a house and lived there with his girlfriend Mo. They met riding a dog sled in Canada, where he acquired the publishing house which publishes children's books. That's how he makes his living, and said: "In normal operation, I never return.»

Now, four years later, 50-year-old Ian Usher absolutely happy. He has written several books and is discussing with the producers of the possible adaptation of its history. "I'm incredibly happy about it, he says. - But you know even more amazing to me is that sometimes come up to me and tell strangers how my story has changed their lives, they have made their own lists of destinations and living that would achieve them. I think the world would look very nice if all pursued their goal. " What happened to the old life of Ian Usher, carpet seller? It is nothing about it knows, but hopes that she relished her new owner.