Historical photos

In this collection, I want to show you unique shots in the history of mankind. Construction of the famous sites in the world, famous people in the memorable moments, etc. Alfred Hitchcock with his granddaughter

Painter on the Eiffel Tower, Paris, 1953

Russian soldiers and tired puppy, Prague, May 1945

Charlie Chaplin is preparing for filming "Footlights", 1952

CD "The Beatles" burn in Waycross, Georgia, 1966

Zachariah Taylor Wilcox / Zaharyan Taylor Wilcox

Bulgarian peasants use the elephant for field work, 1900

In 1994, Nelson Mandela won the first in the history of South Africa's multiracial elections. In the picture Mandela supporters climb on the pre-election billboard in anticipation of the arrival of their candidate for the hometown

Lovers in Paris during the floods in February 1978

Source: mixstuff.ru


See also

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