The smartest dog

British scientists have taught dog breed border collie recognize the names of more than one thousand different items. Six year old dog named Cheyser can be found in a pile of soft toys is the one that asks people. And the dog is able at once to find among the hundreds of items of at least 18 of 20 friends to her voice. To achieve these results with Cheyserom conducted daily training for four to five hours for three years. According to one of the professors who conducted the experiment, he wanted to know whether there is a dog's limit on the number of words that she can understand. The purpose of the study lies in the fact, whether the dog to recognize the names of objects, not just a command related to the subject. "Of course we do not claim that dogs can learn the language of the person, as children do, but the experiment shows that dogs can learn many times more words than is commonly believed," - said Professor Alliston Reid. In total, after training to recognize objects by voice, Cheyser successfully completed 838 tests to find items. The dog also taught various manipulations with objects, such as moving an object paw, pushing the nose and bring. During the training the dog remember the names of toys in 1022. It should be noted, in 2004, the record for memorizing subjects voice was a dog named Rico from Germany. He is known to nine years in 200 words.
Source: mirfactov.com/