Fans called it sports fans
fans called it sports fans - fans of football, basketball, handball, hockey and other sports, especially team associated with a match between two teams.
It's usually pretty gambling people experiencing is not a joke for your favorite team and its successes and failures, ups and downs. Most likely, noticing this quality sports fans, and called their supporters - people suffering from heart and soul for "his" club. Together with the athletes they rejoice scored the ball, and sincerely upset missed. The most loyal fans can be called even a part of the team - not just because they go to all the matches, but go for the favorite club in the other cities, no matter how far they are. They - the fighting spirit and support the athletes. However, there is also a medical opinion on the phenomenon of "fans." It turns out that people who are not involved in sports, and at the same time too actively worry about your favorite club during games, especially if they do it for drinking alcoholic beverages, smoking countless cigarettes - can really sick while watching igry.
What lies at the heart of the problems that occur with some unlucky fans? The devastating effect of alcohol coupled with emotional stress boosts heart rate in the "decisive moments" of the match to 120-140 beats per minute, that is, twice the norm. Sometimes heartbeat can be accelerated up to 170 or more beats per minute. And that amount of heart rate may be too dangerous for the health. Not long ago, by radio telemetry, scientists have found that well trained athletes heart rate can reach up to more than 200 beats per minute. However, it is almost marginal figure. And, for a trained person. During a strong emotional arousal in humans pressure increases dramatically. Worn walls of blood vessels, lacking flexibility, unable to withstand the strong pressure of the blood. As a result, there is a rupture of the vessel and bleeding. Overly active experiences can also lead to heart attacks and other problems. Therefore, to become a real "fan" should abstain from alcohol during important matches (at least!), Try not to worry excessively and, of course, not be amiss, and to join the sport to keep myself in good shape.
Source: mirfactov.com/