Voiced Bugs Bunny
One of the most popular cartoon characters voiced by American actor Mel Blanc - Bugs Bunny Rabbit, who is constantly chewing on carrots. Practical experiments have shown that no other fruits or vegetables are not able to issue a resounding crunch during voice recording Bugs Blank bit off a carrot, chewed it and spits into a spittoon. This gave ground for rumors that have allegedly Blanca was allergic to carrots and some sources were taken to assert (and still say) that the form could not stand her taste. In an interview given to them in 1984, Blanc has denied the rumors and said that does not suffer from an allergy to carrots. In later publications referring to the statement Blanca reported that he spit out the carrots are not out of fear of an allergic reaction (which he could not be, because it does not suffer from allergies), and not because they did not like carrots, but only in order to save Time: spit the carrot was faster than chew and swallow.
Source: ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C1% EB% E0% ED% EA, _% CC% E5% EB