At the grave aktёra- "voice" Warner Bros. says "That's all, folks!"
Mel Blanc was the voice of almost every main character famous cartoon "Warner Brothers" - Bugs Bunny, pig, Daffy Duck, and so forth. Once Mel was in a car accident and fell into a coma. The doctors tried unsuccessfully to revive him, until one of them, a big fan of Bugs Bunny, did not call him "Bugs! Bugs Bunny! Are you here? "- To which Mel responded immediately his famous phrase:" What's up, Doc? ».
The doctors began to experiment with other characters, voiced by Mel, and in the end they managed to bring the actor out of the coma.
On the tombstone of Mel Blanca write another frazochka Bugs Bunny, sounded at the end of the cartoon with his participation: "That's all, folks!»
via factroom.ru