Female friendship

concepts of friendship among men and women are very similar, but somehow man's friendship can last for years, and the female end very quickly. What woman needs a girlfriend? What women expect from a same-sex friendship? First of all, friendship is based on trust, the ability to listen and support, the ability to substitute his shoulder in difficult times and to rejoice together for success. Very often, there are friendly relations between the people who have common interests or hobbies. The history knows many cases when the friendship between the two women, which began in kindergarten, end when there is a third one. This third, natural man, which can not divide the two friends. Very often, it is the girlfriend and gone stayut husbands and cause the collapse of family and private life collapse. Sometimes female friendship prevents banal envy. While friends have the same standard of living, their friendship is not in danger, but it is necessary to appear the good work, handsome man or elemental stylish new thing in the locker room, begins to inflate the envy of her friends. This is due to the fact that women with childhood developed the spirit of competition. They always consider themselves to be better and not allow someone to dispel this myth. Even if it is the best friend, I can not in any way allow it to be richer, more beautiful, more successful, elegant, attractive, etc. A woman always tries to be very, very in all areas zhizni.

If a woman is able to enjoy the success of his girlfriend, and even help in achieving them, the friendship between them will only be strengthened. But, most importantly, that it was a one, otherwise one-sided support and sacrifice will be more similar than friendship, and continuous operation. However, many women are able to make friends and this friendship sneaked through life. Who else can hear your complaints about family troubles, troubles at work and other problems? Who can give some advice or to share a recipe delicious cake, but a friend. Female friendship is strong enough and reliable. This relationship has always stand on your defense, even if you are not right, or come running to the other end of the city, if you're really bad. But if you begin to threaten the personal happiness girlfriend or try to take her place at work, friendships can come to an end. Therefore, should be friends with the mind, without encroaching on their most intimate friends. Trust and honesty should be within reasonable limits. Do not tell her friends that want to keep secret. Women are emotional creatures and the severance of relations capable of cruel and insidious revenge and all your secrets can become public knowledge.
Source: po4emu.ru/index.php?id=795