The phone runs on Coca-Cola

Daizi Zheng developed for Nokia cell phone that runs on Coca-Cola! As strange as it may sound, it works, the batteries generate electricity from carbohydrates (in this case sugar) contained in Coca-Cola. Therefore, the phone will also work on any other sugar-containing vode.

The inventor says that in order to reduce pollution in the concept was used in place of biologically clean the standard battery. Bio battery is an environmentally friendly source of energy to generate electricity from carbohydrates using enzymes as the catalyst.

In order to recharge your phone you only need sugar water, and as long as your phone is charging it will produce the same water and oxygen. Bio battery has the potential to operate three to four times longer than conventional lithium batteries, while being environmentally friendly.
Source: newzz.in.ua/newzz/1148844468-mobilnyj-telefon-rabotayushhij-na-koka-kole.html