Facts about Coca-Cola

most delicious, most refreshing, most festive, most real and most famous drink in the world - it is certainly a Coke. Today we know a little more about the brand Coca-cola Company and its products. Thus, the selection of 10 certainly interesting facts about all of your favorite drink. Enjoy! 1. The first outdoor billboard "Coca-Cola", drawn back in 1904 is still in place in the town of Cartersville (GA). 2. According to the birthplace of Muammar Gaddafi gazirovanngo popular drink "Coca-Cola" is Libya. In 2006 he even demanded royalties from the company Coca-Cola.

3. If all the produced Coca-Cola to fill the pool depth of 180 cm, its length is 33 kilometers and the width reaches almost 15 kilometers. In such a pool can simultaneously enter 512 million people. 4. If all produced Coca-Cola to distribute bottled inhabitants of the planet all, each of us would have received for 1500 bottles.

5. The biggest sign of "Coca-Cola" is located in the Chilean city of Arica. It is set on a hilltop. The width of the mark - 122 meters, height - 40 meters. Compiled by the mark of 70 thousand bottles of the "Coca-Cola". 6. Every second in the world drink 8000 glasses of drinks, developed by Coca-Kola.

7. If all worked out more than a hundred years, "Coca-Cola" to bottle, put in a line and entwine her near-earth orbit of the planet, it will wrap the Earth 4334 times. By the way, a similar chain of the Moon reached out to there and back 1045 times. 8. If you put in a bowl with Coca-Cola steak, after 2 days you will not find it there: it is completely dissolved.

9. In 1989, Coca-Cola was the first foreign company to advertise its brand on Pushkin Square in Moskve.

10. Coca-Cola - the longest-running sponsor of the Olympic Games. Co Coca-Cola to the Olympic Movement began in 1928.
Source: factopedia.ru/publication/4125