You will be shocked at the use cases, "Coca-Cola"! Universal agent for the home.
What is fraught with "Coca-Cola"? This popular drink - even that little thing. Much has been said about the dangers of Coke, that you should not drink it, especially the children give. And if you do not drink - well, you can find many ways to use this custom drinking. Read and be amazed at how helpful "Coca-Cola" in everyday life. These tips can help out you in many situations!
1. If you burned a pot, pour Coke into it and bring to a boil. Pan upgraded to the eyes!
2. It is easy to make any photo aged. To do this, just need a little wet photos "Coca-Cola" and quickly wipe. But in any case, do not do the picture is too wet, otherwise it will deteriorate.
3. Poorly colored hair can be improved by Coke. She washes the paint from the hair, though not completely, but the color becomes less intense.
4. If the old coins soak in Kole, it will make them more brilliant.
5. Pour "Coca-Cola" in a teapot and leave it there for the whole day. It will remove all the scum without a trace!
6. The toilet is also well cleaned with a Coke, it eats away grime.
7. Try to make an excellent sauce by mixing Coke and sauce in a ratio of 1: 1. Obmazh this chicken, meat, etc. prior to cooking. It turns out very tasty!
8. "Coca-Cola" - a good hair conditioner. Pour it on your hair, rinse them and dry.
9. Pour Coke into flat wide dishes and put them in your garden, or in the cellar. This will help to get rid of slugs ...! They are attracted by the sweet smell of the drink, and if they fall into the pot, you will not be able to get out.
10. If you can not unscrew the bolt from the fact that he was rusty, then try to do: Take a rag, put it in the "Coca-Cola" to moisten well in this wonderful liquid and wrapped around the bolt. Leave it all for a few hours. Bolt would be malleable otkruchivatsya, as "Coca-Cola" work, as a solvent.
11. Clean your jewelry. Just put them in a glass of Coke, then it will pass through the lightly brush. Just do not do it, if jewelry have any stones. For them it is very harmful!
12. It may seem strange, but Cola helps with indigestion. But for this purpose does not have to just open the bottle, since the gases can only aggravate the condition. Open up the bubbles, and then take "Coca-Cola" as medicine. If you are swayed in transport - Cola will also help. Try to occasionally make a small sip, and you will see how the state immediately improve!
You can not help but to share these findings with their friends. Let about the mysterious properties of the "Coca-Cola" everyone will know!
via takprosto cc
1. If you burned a pot, pour Coke into it and bring to a boil. Pan upgraded to the eyes!
2. It is easy to make any photo aged. To do this, just need a little wet photos "Coca-Cola" and quickly wipe. But in any case, do not do the picture is too wet, otherwise it will deteriorate.
3. Poorly colored hair can be improved by Coke. She washes the paint from the hair, though not completely, but the color becomes less intense.
4. If the old coins soak in Kole, it will make them more brilliant.
5. Pour "Coca-Cola" in a teapot and leave it there for the whole day. It will remove all the scum without a trace!

6. The toilet is also well cleaned with a Coke, it eats away grime.
7. Try to make an excellent sauce by mixing Coke and sauce in a ratio of 1: 1. Obmazh this chicken, meat, etc. prior to cooking. It turns out very tasty!
8. "Coca-Cola" - a good hair conditioner. Pour it on your hair, rinse them and dry.
9. Pour Coke into flat wide dishes and put them in your garden, or in the cellar. This will help to get rid of slugs ...! They are attracted by the sweet smell of the drink, and if they fall into the pot, you will not be able to get out.
10. If you can not unscrew the bolt from the fact that he was rusty, then try to do: Take a rag, put it in the "Coca-Cola" to moisten well in this wonderful liquid and wrapped around the bolt. Leave it all for a few hours. Bolt would be malleable otkruchivatsya, as "Coca-Cola" work, as a solvent.
11. Clean your jewelry. Just put them in a glass of Coke, then it will pass through the lightly brush. Just do not do it, if jewelry have any stones. For them it is very harmful!
12. It may seem strange, but Cola helps with indigestion. But for this purpose does not have to just open the bottle, since the gases can only aggravate the condition. Open up the bubbles, and then take "Coca-Cola" as medicine. If you are swayed in transport - Cola will also help. Try to occasionally make a small sip, and you will see how the state immediately improve!
You can not help but to share these findings with their friends. Let about the mysterious properties of the "Coca-Cola" everyone will know!
via takprosto cc
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