Phrases that in any case the child can not speak!
Who can boast that he is a really good dad or mom? Hand on heart, there is little to say about myself is. We are all people and all of us are certain inherent weaknesses. For example, many prefer to scold the child, and not try to understand it. So it is much easier. But there's another way, let it more difficult, but it brings the best results. If you raise a child by his own example and talk to him as an adult, while respecting its individuality, you will grow your pride! Such a child will be optimistic and independent from an early age.
Any parent knows these phrases. Temper, anger and frustration, sometimes, we strongly offend children, without even realizing. This infringes the development of a full, healthy person. Be informed! Watch what you say, because words are a new person a lot significant information, which he immediately reads and stores. Even very tiny baby will understand what you mean - the tone. Try to choose the right expression and how you say them. But these are listed below the wording in any case it is not necessary for children to voice. Why is that? Read it and you'll understand everything ...
1. You do not - let me do!
Psychologists say that this phrase is traumatic for the baby and pre-programmed for failure. It feels stupid and awkward, in the future, fear has to take the initiative, thinking that my mother would scream again.
2. Take, just calm down!
It's hard for some parents to withstand many hours of mournful "please, well, let '. But by agreeing to give the kid what he asks you give to know the child, whining and persuasion can achieve anything, and my mother's "no" should not be taken seriously. This will ensure you boorish offspring, Determined selfishness.
3. Once again I see a - I got you!
As shown, more threats are not an issue. Neither Mom nor Dad did not carry out the punishment, and the child will only be scared. Similar phrases in children only causes resentment and bewilderment. Do not scare your crumbs. The child should know exactly what to expect in a particular case. A sudden failures of parents to anything good will not result.
4. I said (a): "Immediately stop!»
You should not speak so sharply with the baby! It's your baby! If you're broke, it is better to apologize. Child because offended, feeling completely powerless. And instead of "stop" starts to protest - babies cry and capricious teenagers silently go and turn in on themselves. So, anyway, this phrase does not help to achieve the desired.
5. You have to understand that ...
Many children there is a defensive reaction to the phrase and its boring sequel. The kid does not understand morals, and not listening to you, switch to something else. Worst of all teachings perceived by the child when he was agitated, upset or angry. Remember, he is also a man who is having some kind of "problem", and at this point it is concerned by it. In this state, he can not understand even the most sensible and correct reasoning.
6. The boys (girls) do not behave!
Keep repeating this, parents instill in the child a certain stereotypes. In adult life, had raised the boy will perceive your own emotions as something unworthy, and the girl - testing facilities at the "unfeminine" occupation or enough clean the apartment.
7. Do not worry because of nonsense!
Perhaps for the baby is not nonsense! Think of yourself as a child. Yes, the child may be upset that he was not given a machine or a house out of blocks crumbled. After all, in his little world it is the machine and house - the most important thing! Showing disregard for the problems of the child, you risk losing his confidence and will not know about others, not picayune problems of their baby.
8. Take care of my health!
Often, some moms say it's the kids. But understand, sooner or later it ceases to be perceived seriously, like a fairy tale about a shepherd and wolf. And really feeling bad habit baby mother can not pay attention. He thinks that his mother complains if only he stopped to make noise, jump, play, and so on. You can not abuse such expressions!
9. No, we will not buy it - no money (expensive)!
It's hard to explain to the kid, why do not buy everything. But it turns out, if mom or dad will be money - you can buy at the store that comes to hand! Baby understands exactly this phrase. Is not it better to say, Mom and Dad, "this toy you already have", "chocolate a lot of bad." Yes, always difficult to explain! But the child must understand why parents he did not buy.
10. All children as children, and you ...
... Punishment slut bungler, etc. I do not like the labels "hang" on the kids! It destroys self-esteem and the child really starts to conform to such words. Think nice if you could listen to this?
"I give my heart for children" - the slogan of a famous teacher Sukhomlinsky that we all need to remember from time to time. It is not possible to raise a good little man, without putting it in the soul. Do and say everything about the child with love, and it will reward you handsomely.
Be sure to share this article with other parents - adults also need education and good advice.
via takprosto cc
Any parent knows these phrases. Temper, anger and frustration, sometimes, we strongly offend children, without even realizing. This infringes the development of a full, healthy person. Be informed! Watch what you say, because words are a new person a lot significant information, which he immediately reads and stores. Even very tiny baby will understand what you mean - the tone. Try to choose the right expression and how you say them. But these are listed below the wording in any case it is not necessary for children to voice. Why is that? Read it and you'll understand everything ...
1. You do not - let me do!
Psychologists say that this phrase is traumatic for the baby and pre-programmed for failure. It feels stupid and awkward, in the future, fear has to take the initiative, thinking that my mother would scream again.
2. Take, just calm down!
It's hard for some parents to withstand many hours of mournful "please, well, let '. But by agreeing to give the kid what he asks you give to know the child, whining and persuasion can achieve anything, and my mother's "no" should not be taken seriously. This will ensure you boorish offspring, Determined selfishness.
3. Once again I see a - I got you!
As shown, more threats are not an issue. Neither Mom nor Dad did not carry out the punishment, and the child will only be scared. Similar phrases in children only causes resentment and bewilderment. Do not scare your crumbs. The child should know exactly what to expect in a particular case. A sudden failures of parents to anything good will not result.
4. I said (a): "Immediately stop!»
You should not speak so sharply with the baby! It's your baby! If you're broke, it is better to apologize. Child because offended, feeling completely powerless. And instead of "stop" starts to protest - babies cry and capricious teenagers silently go and turn in on themselves. So, anyway, this phrase does not help to achieve the desired.
5. You have to understand that ...
Many children there is a defensive reaction to the phrase and its boring sequel. The kid does not understand morals, and not listening to you, switch to something else. Worst of all teachings perceived by the child when he was agitated, upset or angry. Remember, he is also a man who is having some kind of "problem", and at this point it is concerned by it. In this state, he can not understand even the most sensible and correct reasoning.

6. The boys (girls) do not behave!
Keep repeating this, parents instill in the child a certain stereotypes. In adult life, had raised the boy will perceive your own emotions as something unworthy, and the girl - testing facilities at the "unfeminine" occupation or enough clean the apartment.
7. Do not worry because of nonsense!
Perhaps for the baby is not nonsense! Think of yourself as a child. Yes, the child may be upset that he was not given a machine or a house out of blocks crumbled. After all, in his little world it is the machine and house - the most important thing! Showing disregard for the problems of the child, you risk losing his confidence and will not know about others, not picayune problems of their baby.
8. Take care of my health!
Often, some moms say it's the kids. But understand, sooner or later it ceases to be perceived seriously, like a fairy tale about a shepherd and wolf. And really feeling bad habit baby mother can not pay attention. He thinks that his mother complains if only he stopped to make noise, jump, play, and so on. You can not abuse such expressions!
9. No, we will not buy it - no money (expensive)!
It's hard to explain to the kid, why do not buy everything. But it turns out, if mom or dad will be money - you can buy at the store that comes to hand! Baby understands exactly this phrase. Is not it better to say, Mom and Dad, "this toy you already have", "chocolate a lot of bad." Yes, always difficult to explain! But the child must understand why parents he did not buy.
10. All children as children, and you ...
... Punishment slut bungler, etc. I do not like the labels "hang" on the kids! It destroys self-esteem and the child really starts to conform to such words. Think nice if you could listen to this?
"I give my heart for children" - the slogan of a famous teacher Sukhomlinsky that we all need to remember from time to time. It is not possible to raise a good little man, without putting it in the soul. Do and say everything about the child with love, and it will reward you handsomely.
Be sure to share this article with other parents - adults also need education and good advice.
via takprosto cc
You will be shocked at the use cases, "Coca-Cola"! Universal agent for the home.
Fascinating facts about reading that little-known. Read - it means to be young!