Points for weight loss

In Japan, scientists from the University of Tokyo have developed special glasses that help their owners to lose weight. So, who had put on those glasses he sees on his plate twice more food than it actually is. These glasses may increase or decrease the size of the food by about half, while maintaining the correct proportions of the hands and the user's environment. Thus, the person starts to consume less food, and, consequently, lose weight. Who is the inventor of the miracle glasses Professor Michitaka Hirose and his team are working to improve the appearance of the glasses - they want to make more compact and attractive. The experiment showed that with these points people began to eat about 10% less food. For example, people in the group of subjects who wore special glasses generally eaten 9, 3% less sweet biscuits, when zoomed to 50%. At the same time, when the glasses have been adjusted to a 33% reduction, they ate 15% more biscuits. Japanese scientists believe that this invention is useful for residents of the United States and Western Europe, as in Japan the problem of obesity is not as prevalent. See also: The thickest British woman marries a chef. A resident of Britain is recognized as the fattest man in the world. Girl 8 years eating only one pizza.
Source: 5min.by/news/yaponskie-uchenie-izobreli-ochki-dlya-pohudeniya