Man hiccups

hiccups - is the process by which the body wants to get rid of the load from the so-called vagus nerve. Vagus nerve connects many internal organs to the central nervous system. It extends from the chest to abdomen, closely adhering to the esophagus. However, this nerve esophagus squeezes through a narrow opening in the diaphragm - the muscle-tendon partition separating the chest cavity from the abdominal. Then he goes to the stomach and other abdominal organs. This is the narrowest place in the diaphragm and is the center of origin of hiccups. When hasty meal when the esophagus are quite large pieces of food, the vagus nerve is injured: pressed and irritated. This is possible even with overeating, as well as in an uncomfortable position when the nerve is compressed, and even frightened when there is a sharp breath. Toddlers hiccup happens when they are cold. Compression of the nerve dysfunction is fraught with so many bodies, so the body quickly and actively respond to the arisen inconvenience. It sends a signal to the central nervous system. This, in turn, activates the phrenic nerve, responsible for the contraction of the diaphragm.

Hiccups - is the result of a regular ("pulsing") activity of the phrenic nerve, which causes the diaphragm to contract powerful and sharp movements. The sound that arises here - the result of a sharp closing the glottis. Hiccups - this automatic response, the so-called unconditioned reflex, that is we can not control them consciously. If hiccups can help your body the following: 1) a good stretch; 2) a deep breath and hold your breath; 3) just breathe deeply and slowly; 4) drinking water by 12 small sips; it is necessary to ingest the water or breathe; 5) to take a glass of water and put on the table; close his hands behind his back, bend forward as much as possible and drink a glass of water as the number 4 on the board; Some advise to "treat" hiccupping using fear, but it is very questionable means, and for children - just dangerous! All these actions help to reduce pressure on the vagus nerve in the hiatal. Once this pressure is eroding, hiccups pass. Typically, it takes 5 to 15 minutes.
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Source: mirfactov.com/