Constantly ikayuschaya schoolgirl

Schoolgirl Emily Marsh (Emily Marsh) - fairly well-known personality in the school. The girl did not become famous thanks to a brilliant study or success in the sport: it has attracted the attention of students anomaly - Briton constant hiccups. Most people are familiar breathing disorder that occurs due to the contraction of the diaphragm and the convulsive short manifested respiratory movements - a hiccup. Everyone has a proven recipe, get rid of this involuntary physiological reactions: fear, a glass of water, slander and other traditional treatments.

But none of these funds do not help 13-year-old Emily Marsh. The fact that about ten weeks ago schoolgirl start hiccup. At first, the parents do not pay attention to the condition of his daughter, publishing sharp sounds every two minutes. However, neither in an hour, or even every other day did not stop the hiccups. Worried wife Marsh took the teenager to hospital, the doctor explained the reason for his excitement. Emily had to make numerous analyzes and studies, including MRI and ultrasound.

Having received the long-awaited results, the doctor just threw up his hands - they did not know how to help poor schoolgirls. "Experts say that it is extremely rare, and they can not prescribe treatment for our daughter. We have tried every means known to our grandmothers, but they were useless. Emily is very sore throat, but she does not complain, and tries to keep "- says mother schoolgirl Katie Barrett. Hiccups "retreats" only during the night, but returned on awakening. The girl was so exhausting her illness, she had to leave the class before returning home. Condition British women trying to facilitate social workers, among which special zeal distinguished woman named Keti.

"Having learned that medicine and traditional methods were powerless, we resorted to hypnosis, but even he did not help. We've run out of ideas ", - says Cathy. "I was first confronted with such a prolonged hiccups. My colleagues and I are doing everything we can to cure Emily. I hope that our joint work will bring a positive result ", - said the doctor schoolgirl Rita Handa.
Source: mirfactov.com/