Why do dogs spinning

Many dog owners notice that their pets before you go, spinning in one place. Experts say that such a strange and a little fun ritual, most likely associated with the habits of canine ancestors, who lived in the wild. Overall turnover in one place - this is a subconscious way of animal trample grass and leaves to get something like a nest, where it would be comfortable to sleep. The wild ancestors of domestic dogs slept under the open sky, so sometimes they lacked the warmth and security. If trample grass, leaves or snow - you get much more cozy and comfortable place to sleep. Perhaps the dog makes a circle before sleep to feel more comfort and bezopasnosti.

Sometimes you can also notice that the dog begins to make "digging movement." In the intense heat just need to dig a small hole, which is cooler and you can reduce the body temperature. In the cold pit it can also be protected, because in such a "safe haven" it is easier to keep the temperature balance, escape from the icy wind. Even while living in a normal home, the dogs have not lost the habit of properly preparing for bed. Such habits are difficult to eradicate, even if they are no longer needed. Sometimes, the owner still must pay attention to the turbulent behavior of the dog. If the dog is constantly spinning in place and digs, while finding no comfort, it may have some health problems, such as arthritis or neurological problems. Observe your pet when he lies down to sleep or waking up. If you notice that he is too anxious, you should seek professional help.
Source: www.infoniac.ru/news/Pochemu-sobaki-krutyatsya-na-meste-pered-tem-kak-lech-spat.html