Man zakusal cobra
55-year-old Nepalese Mohamed Salmo Miyya, who lives in a village 200 kilometers from the capital, caught up with bites on his rice field and killed the snake spectacled it.
"I could have killed it with a stick, but instead bit, because I was angry," - said the man who killed the snake in an interview with local media.
According to a police spokesman, after the incident the man is in the village infirmary, his life is not in danger. He will not be charged in the murder of animals as this snake is not included in the list of specially protected species of Nepal. Cobra is meant to present a cobra. The adult reaches a length and a half to two meters. Among the habitat of snakes - jungles, parks and gardens and rice fields. It feeds on reptiles and middle-sized rodents. Spectacle poisonous snake from a very young age. People bitten by these cobras rarely die (according to various estimates, from 6 to 15 percent of all cases).
Source: lenta.ru/news/2012/08/23/snake/