World of color-blind

order to adequately perceive the people around them and the world itself, rather it is useful to look through various medical Wikipedia. Well, for example, almost every tenth man in the world - colorblind; and if also the visual? it is generally difficult - such mikromelochi that can easily explain many misunderstandings in communication, it is useful if you do not keep in mind, at least from time to time to remember. A customer at all obligatory for a test drive. But like many designers (by the way, the picture should be seen only 83 37 44 56) .

- This feature view was named after John Dalton, who learned of his color blindness only in 26 years (incidentally learn that his "gray" jacket - maroon) .

- Colorblind divided into dihromantov (can not distinguish between red - Protanopia, green - purple or deuteranopia - Tritanopia) and monohromatikov (b / w vision) .

- Contrary to popular belief, dogs - not monohromatiki (and they are already tired of repeating it) .

- The highest percentage of color blind registered in the Czech Republic and Slovakia, while in Fiji and among Brazilian Indians is practically color-blind net.

- Blindness was first attracted public attention in 1875 when Sweden, near the town of Lagerlunda, was a train wreck, povlёkshee great sacrifices. It turned out that the driver did not distinguish between red, and the development of transport at a time has led to widespread color signalizatsii.

- Hereditary blindness affects 8% of men and 0, 5% of women (ie 1,000 people have an average of 43 color-blind - from calculating the ratio of men and women 50/50) 56,276,666
- Only 1% of all color-blind - monohromatiki, ie approximately 1 in 2325 chelovek.

- Color blindness is transmitted mainly by female linii

- You can lose color perception and after traumatic brain injury, moving a heavy flu, stroke or infarkt.

- Repin, being in old age, trying to fix his painting "Ivan the Terrible and his son Ivan." However, the surrounding discovered that because of a violation of color vision, Repin greatly distorted colors own picture, and work had to prervat.

- Colorblind found among famous artists: Vrubel, Repin and many drugie.

- Blue color accurately perceived by the majority of people - the interface of many programs made primarily in the colors casually. There are also table "right colors".
Source: mirfactov.com/