The truth about the students

word "student» («studio») in the usual sense was first used by the Roman poet Ovid, when he arrived in Athens for new knowledge. Literally, from the Latin, this term is translated as a person who works hard and diligently zanimaetsya.

A prototype of the hero of the film "A Beautiful Mind," the mathematician John Nash, perhaps, was the most concise letter of recommendation from the university. Teacher wrote it just one line: "This man - a genius!".

Sometimes genius is revealed quite unexpectedly even to himself. This happened with the American mathematician George Dantzig, when he was a graduate student at the University. Late for a lecture, he took written on a blackboard equation for homework and after a while they decided. It turned out that he was able to solve two problems in the statistics on which to beat him many uchenye.

Students of Physics and Mathematics Faculty of the University of Siauliai, apparently, so did not want to teach for a semester notes that spent 16 hours to build the cribs, the length of which prevysila600 meters. They would not have to exhaust much paper in the presence of the reader PocketBook Pro 912, which is ideal for training because it can replace all the books - his memory can hold hundreds of electronic books. Thus at large reader 9, 7 inch screen E-Ink, which ensures the comfort of reading for a long time - it, in contrast to TFT-LCDs, no backlight. And since the screen PocketBook Pro 912 touchscreen and included is a special pen, you can take notes in the reader. It is not clear where he was hidden, if the task - write off:)

On admission to Princeton applicants acquainted with the so-called "Code of Honor". Before the entrance exam future students swear in writing or Arrange the form that they will not themselves be used cribs and prevent cheating in the classroom. If someone from the future students will be seen for copying, he promise serious nepriyatnosti.

Did Erno Rubik, which is renowned worldwide for its cube? Probably not, since it is unlikely he could even imagine that normal allowance for architecture students possess the minds and hearts of millions of people around miru.

University of Nantes (France) like a paradise for students, nocturnal. The fact that the walls of the institution have special lounges that students can use at their discretion, for example, to sleep, study desks if they seem a chur hard to sleep. However, the "sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll" in recreation areas such students had zabyt.

It turns out that the Count Uvarov, who headed the Ministry of Education under Nicholas I, ordered the students to outline the lecture. This innovation allowed the minister not only improve the efficiency of the education system, but also to identify freethinkers among faculty training zavedeniy.

In pre-revolutionary Russia is not only ushers restaurants cared about the students in Tatiana's Day, but also the police. They were instructed not to arrest celebrating the students and to provide assistance, if they have not able to get home. Unfortunately, until today, the tradition has not lived ...
Source: mirfactov.com/