Starring horror

Where on the world map are eerie cinematic space: cities where wielded freaks and mutants, found the house, which looked into Freddy Krueger, a hotel, where the writer has gone mad, and a forest full legends about witches Bler.

"Friday the 13th" Remember the famous maniac in a hockey mask? In the first of a series of horror film "Friday the 13th" (1980) Jason with a machete in the hands of gutting his victims in the camp "Crystal Lake» .

Camping, where carried out the shooting, does exist, but it is called No-Be-Bo-Sco. It is located in the state of New Jersey, near the town of Blerstoun, and every summer at his cottage (those where they filmed scenes of murder) stop dozens of Boy Scouts. By the way, if you are an ardent fan of the epic, you can order a special souvenir that will come to you straight from the camp. Camping No-Be-Bo-Sco, NJ "The Shining" action horror, in which the main role played by Jack Nicholson, takes place in the hotel "Overlook". Stephen King (the film was shot on his novel), "wrote off" this hotel with the hotel "Stanley", inspired him during the rest of the Rockies. However, the shooting took place in a very different place - in "Timberline Lodge", Oregon. The band were only views of the hotel from the outside, the interior scenes were filmed in studii.

That did not stop fans of "The Shining" flooded Ski Resort after the film. It's funny that scary room originally from the film was number 217, but the owner of the "Timberline" asked the directors to change the number on the supposedly non-existent (№237), he did not seem to guests "cursed." "Timberline Lodge" Oregon "Blair Witch" movie, filmed on amateur camera, tells the story of three college students kinootdeleniya who got lost in the dense forests of Maryland. The boys studied the legend of the Blair Witch, devoting her graduate work. Movies get the most realistic: its creators have long argued that the tape was mounted from the videotape, accidentally found in the forest, and the characters themselves - went missing and likely ubity.

Naturally, this was a ploy to attract viewers, but the place really started shooting Bёrkitsvil neighborhood of the town - the same one which had long run eerie legends. They say, for example, that in the 40s of the last century in the local woods hosted maniac who killed dozens of people under the influence of witches. The shooting took place in the National Park of Maryland called Seneca Creek State. The shooting took place in the dense forests of Maryland "Hostel" Nearly 600 liters of artificial blood took the creators of this horror, telling about the rest three students in Western Europe. Concluding his "tour", naive Americans finally decide to hang in Bratislava, where they live - as a casual friend assures them - hundreds of beautiful and all consonants girls. Ends this trip, of course, is not a happy ending, and myasorubkoy.

Despite the fact that the film takes place in Slovakia, street shooting took place in the Czech Republic - the towns of Cesky Krumlov and Milovice. And the scenes of torture were captured in the northern district of Prague called Bohnice, in an abandoned mental hospital, built in the Neo-Baroque style. Cesky Krumlov, Czech Republic "Seven" heartbreaking scene at the end of the film, when the detective Mills (Brad Pitt) and Somerset (Morgan Freeman) open horrible box was removed under elektrovyshkami around Lancaster in Kalifornii.

In general, almost all shooting thriller took place in Los Angeles, but to know him in the film can not be: first, the creators of the "Seven" did not want it to be a particular town on the map of the US, and secondly, made colors the most gloomy. The surroundings of Lancaster, California "Silence of the Lambs" investigating a series of murders committed by a serial killer nicknamed "Buffalo Bill," the FBI agent Clarice Starling (Jodie Foster) turns for help to the killer-cannibal Hannibal Lector (Anthony Hopkins) .

In one scene, a girl attends Carnegie Museum of Natural History in Pittsburgh to meet with entomologist and understand what the insect leaves the offender in the throat of his victims. Filming the scene was done in one of the laboratories of the museum, which is one of the largest in the United States. In particular, it is one of the best collections of dinosaur skeletons in the world. Carnegie Museum of Natural History, Pittsburgh "Nightmare on Elm Street" Freddy Krueger, the villain in the filthy striped pullover and battered hat, a tool in the fictional town of Springwood. Shooting of the film (the first in a series of horror films about Freddy) were in the suburbs of Los Angeles. For example, the scenes at the school where I studied heroes "Nightmare", filmed in real-life John Marshall High School, and became the home of Tina's house number 620 on the street Milwood Avenue.

However, the most popular among the fans of the movie series still enjoys Thompson House, where Nancy lived. Its role "played" a cottage on Genesee Avenue Street. It's funny that in reality, the house has the same number as the cine on Elm Street - №1428. Cottage at 1428 N Genesee Avenue, Los Angeles, "The Exorcist" One of the worst movies of the last century (which, incidentally, has received two "Oscars") was shot in Washington. The main heroine of the picture - a little girl Regan, which infuses the devil. First, the entire family of the baby is worn by doctors, to understand what happened to her, and then, having lost all hope, refers to ekzortsistu.

Most of the movie was filmed in Georgetown - the oldest district of the US capital with ancient buildings, antique shops, bookstores and aligned in the Gothic style buildings of Georgetown University. After the release of "The Exorcist" cine main attraction of the area became a stone staircase at 3600 Prospect St NW - the same one which fell at the end of the film the father Karras. Sometimes called the "Exorcist Stairs." "Exorcist Stairs" in Georgetown, Washington, DC, "Rosemary's Baby" a horror film by Roman Polanski (about a young couple who is expecting a baby, and a series of mystical events) starred in the infamous building "Dakota", on the island of Manhattan. However, at the time of filming (1968) it was just a nice luxury dom.

The world's attention The Dakota attracted 12 years later, when he was killed by its most famous resident - John Lennon. Offender waylaid "Beatle" next to the house, and then released back into his five shots, two of which were fatal. Bleeding, the musician took a few steps and fell to the ground - right next to the guard booth in the arch "Dakota." "Dakota Building" New York "call" the American remake of the Japanese horror film, grossed $ 250 million, was shot in Washington state. For example, the apartment of the journalist Rachel (Naomi Watts) was located in the building at 1200 Western Avenue in Seattle, and the scene in the darkroom, where she showed pictures of dead teenagers shot in an office building at 1925 5th Avenue.

Horse Farm, which in the film lived Morgan Samara adoptive parents, was found in the town of Monroe (23200 Yeager Road), and the eerie beacon flickering black-and-white videotape - in Newport (Oregon). "Call" Yaquina lighthouse brought great popularity, although it was known before the horror: first, with his foot a great view of the Pacific Ocean, and secondly, it has a living extension, which is considered a rarity at the lighthouses. Yaquina Lighthouse in Newport, Oregon "Texas Chainsaw Massacre" Furniture made of animal bones, freezers with the corpses of teenagers, bloody hooks and cute eccentric named Leatherface with a chainsaw in his hands. All of this - the famous "slasher" -uzhastike that after its release in 1974, it was banned in several countries. Shooting low-budget pictures were in Texas (Round Rock), in an old farmhouse, which was not ventilyatsii.

It was a sweltering humid summer, and the temperature rose to 35 degrees. The hardest part had the actor, who played a maniac killer: in a few weeks, 16 hours a day, he had to wear heavy, soaked suit and thick paint mask. House of "Carnage" is still there, though it was restored for a long time and "moved" to a new location - the town of Kingsland. Now there is a restaurant «Junction House». Restaurant «Junction House» in Kingsland, Texas "The Omen" The first film about the boy Damien (1976), which proved to be the Antichrist in human form, appeared in Londone.

Most of the time operators had a 900-year-old and rather gloomy Church of All Saints, which is located in Fulham, on the banks of the Thames. For example, here it was filmed a scene in which a priest pierces the lightning rod. In the prologue, the picture flickers Garden bishop surrounding the temple. All Saints Church, London "The Hills Have Eyes' story of bloodthirsty cannibal-mutants occur in the American desert, where he once conducted a nuclear test. Carter family traveling in the trailer and on his way to San Diego. However, the seemingly perfect vacation suddenly demolish monsters that emerge from the dungeon ... The film, oddly enough, were not in the US, and to a much cheaper in terms of labor Marokko.

Namely, in the foothills of the Atlas, known for his paintings of landscapes. In the vicinity of the local town of Ouarzazate starred box office hits such as "Gladiator," "Alexander" and "Prince of Persia". However, there are also some scary scenery - like a deserted gas station, with which the whole story spun in "Hills". Petrol station in the desert of Morocco.
Source: www.fresher.ru/2012/12/21/13-mest-gde-snimalis-filmy-uzhasov/