The hostess has saved the life of two-legged sheep
38-year-old Shipish Chewie, which includes a farm in Shangdongskoy province (eastern China), could not kill born into the world bipedal sheep because of the sheer desire of the poor animal to fight and survive. - Despite her disability, she stood on both feet and started to drink the milk of his mother. I could not let her die and began to care for the poor animals - said Chui. - Later I realized that the animal does not feel disabled and live their lives without giving value to his strange stroeniyu.
Now the sheep became inseparable companion Chewie, it follows on the heels of the mistress wherever she went. - In any case, half of his earnings, I had already lost her - laughing hostess. The vet told Chewie, that the defect is most likely occurred due to failure of the gene, but also can not be excluded contamination of chemical waste.
Source: lifenews.ru/news/33310