Without pants 2013

On Sunday, January 13, 2013, worldwide annual event took place under the title "In the subway without pants", organized by a group of activists called Improv Everywhere. Hundreds of people around the world took part in the eccentric action, once again riveted the attention SMI.

Flash mob organized by the initiative group from New York, held from 2001 goda.

Beginning as a funny action several people, now it attracts thousands of people in more than 60 cities around the world. In the photo: the participants of the flash mob in Sofia metro.

A participant in the "superhero" shorts in New York's subway.

The essence of the action is to take a ride on the subway to the station without his pants, and always with a deadpan expression litsa.

"Do not ... do not stare stare ..." - the passenger of the New York subway is working soboy.

Residents of Mexico made a part in family entertainment - is now that vspomnit.

The eccentric resident of London - in Leopard, no pants, but in busah.

In New York, joined the action even voennye.

The metro Toronto.

The largest number of participants are there in America, Britain and Meksike.

Good and even pleasant to spend a share in Brazil and Mexico, but the participants of the Stockholm (pictured) deserve special praise also for the courage and frost, and even have time to listen to different tracks. Practice has shown that the cold is not fun pomeha.

The organizers claim that the only purpose of the action - to amuse people who cause even one smile at each nablyudatelya.

Bulgarian youth in this year for the first time to join the fun. In general, Eastern European countries are reluctant to participate in besshtanovom dne.

And this is - the subway Berlina.

Single party rally in Berlin. This man is supposed to separate award for courage as easy to have fun now, but the one to decide on such a move is not so prosto.

Over the past few days the participants of the flash mob began 16 thousand people from 60 different gorodov.

Young people in Berlin metro.

This flash mob is not a disaster. Organizers from different countries give the Internet a clear indication of the date of the event in each city, as well as rules of conduct.

Participants join the flashmob without any ideological podopleki.

Their main goal - good fun themselves, but also to give a smile to others who, for whatever reasons, to go down into the subway in shorts not reshilis.

The last in this year flashmob No Pants Subway Ride became the 12th schetu.

Do not know about the campaign subway passengers sneak view of half the passengers in Berline.

Passers-by photograph the participants in the flash mob Londone.

British participants aktsii.

Merry in shorts standing on the platform waiting for the London Underground poezda.

Individual heroism distinguished participants of Shanghai, few dare to go without pants on the streets of the conservative Kitaya.

Around the world, the participants' shares in the subway without pants, "met with very different reaction from merry laughter before conviction. But I think it did not bother the participants, most of whom received a uniquely positive emotsii.

Source: bigpicture.ru/?p=355333