Falling from a height of 4 km

resident of California, was almost killed by falling to the ground from a height of 4 km after his parachute opened prematurely. His dizzying jump and hard landing Gerardo Flores filmed on a video camera mounted on a parachute. A man fell into a dangerous mess after two years of training in parachute school Skydive Monterey Bay and a 29-minute successful jumps, reports CBS.

On the record shows, like jumping out of an airplane, Flores enthusiastically posing in the sky and shouts of joy. However, later he told the extreme, only a few seconds of free fall, he suddenly felt a tug as suddenly opened his parachute at an altitude of about 4000 meters. The fact is that under the rules, when jumping from great heights it is recommended not to open the parachute above two kilometrov.

According to the Americans, he knew immediately that something had gone wrong, he jerked away and began a rapid decline. The man lost consciousness even in flight. He fell to the ground, miraculously hitting the landing zone. By instantly Flores ran colleagues and coaches jump that caused the emergency services. Paratroopers were taken by helicopter to bolnitsu.

Within two weeks, Gerardo Flores was unconscious and then regained consciousness. Ironically, in the fall, he received a rib fractures and laceration language. According to the parachutist, the Federal Aviation Administration, who was investigating the incident, he was told that he was the happiest person they have ever met. They found the problem in the state of the parachute with which the victim made the jump. At the same time, experts warn that skydiving - it is obviously a dangerous distraction, even if the equipment properly.
Source: mirfactov.com/