A robot that goes to school

among elementary school students "Winchester" in the town of West Seneca, NY, United States, you can find 120-centimeter white robot. As it turned out, the technique serves as a messenger Carrow Devon (Devon Carrow) - a boy who can not personally attend school because of serious problems with zdorovem.

Thus, he can communicate with their peers and attend classes physically being at home. An amazing example of how robotics can facilitate the life of a man! The most amazing thing is the reaction of 7-year-old boy's classmates, amid growing dominance of video games, televisions, tablets, - for them telepresence robot is also associated with Devon as he did. The robot was made by the American company VGo Communications, whose headquarters is located in Nashua, New Hampshire.

Children behave with the robot as if his place was physically Devon. For them, a classmate is quite normal, despite the doubts of some parents and teachers. The latter are very cool to such technical innovations - to "Winchester" Carrow family appealed to other schools, but received a refusal of teachers to engage with the ward through robota.

Devon himself sitting at home all the time. He has a severe form of food allergy, because of which he had already twice been on the brink of life and death. First of all, it contraindicated dairy products, peanuts and even smell them!

Devon "in the classroom» .

The boy does not confuse this method of employment, because "in the normal" school, he did not hodil.

Devon closeup.

Mom helps son with school zadaniyami.

Every morning, Mrs. Carrow forced to bring the robot to school instead of his son. However, Devon is always on svyazi.

Wall classroom-room is decorated very symbolic quote the late Professor Randy Pausa (Randy Pausch), the founder of the educational project Alice.

Classmates Devon pulled up his hands after the issue of the teacher. Unfortunately, the telepresence robot can not repeat this important zhest.

Devon sends greetings to all via its robotic emissary.
Source: supercoolpics.com/2013/02/19/робот-школьник-из-уэст-сенеки-11-фото/