Feel homeless

One of the Swedish web site you can book a place in a very unusual hotel. Instead, minibar and jacuzzi offers, for example, a bench in a picturesque area of the park or a warm spot in podvale.

In general, these rooms you will be able to know the other side of life, which you have not experienced or who simply do not zamechali.

Night in the park in the company of the homeless residents of Gothenburg, if you still decide to use the services of "chains» Faktum, will cost about 15 dollarov.

However, keep in mind - even if you book and pay for your favorite bench, the company can not give any assurance that she as a result, not be occupied by some more agile guests - at the park and public mesto.

Faktum The site offers a choice of 10 "rooms" located in various parts of the city - in these places really spend the night people who have nowhere to go. There is a bench in the park, abandoned building archive debris that had once been a cozy cafe, a marina, and a place next to the football polem.

Each picture "room" is accompanied by a brief description of its merits. For example, a significant plus "rooms" at the football field - that it is a stone's throw from the exhibition center. A winter field turns into a skating rink, where you can have fun vremya.

But in fact the vast majority of residents of such "reservation" in its "numbers" do not populated - for them it is just a form of help to people left homeless as entire revenue from this business comes their nuzhdy.

Gothenburg - the second largest city in Sweden, where lives about 3400 homeless people. At a time when we are writing this article, the temperature is around zero - not the most comfortable weather to life on the fresh vozduhe.

By launching a project called Faktum, interactive agency Forsman and Bodenfors tried to draw people's attention to those less fortunate, and who for some reason I was left without a roof over their heads.
Source: mixstuff.ru/archives/20222