Dog little housewife

Labrador Macy more than just a best friend for six years of his mistress - she had her savior. If not for the dog, the girl for a long time could umeret.

Allen Hughes suffers from type 1 diabetes and relies on Macy issues medication. Dog warns the girl when her condition begins to deteriorate and the case could end a life-threatening diabetic coma.

When blood sugar drops Alena, Alena skin smells like pear, and if your blood sugar is elevated, the girl starts to smell from the mouth. This difference is able to discern only Macy. Alena's mother 35-year-old Victoria Hughes said: "This is a unique fragrance that feels just Macy. She was always on the alert, and as soon as uchuet the smell, she warns Alain ».

Charitable Organization Medical Detection Dogs trained Macy, who has lived in the family, to distinguish between the smell and react to it so that the girl could take action. If Macy discovers that blood sugar Alena too high or too low, it begins to push a girl, so she has taken all necessary measures to stabilize blood sugar levels.

"Macy - an indispensable tool for Alena. It is still small and can not understand when the level of sugar in her blood is too low, until he lost consciousness. But we trust in Macy's 100 percent. Alain always remains its main concern and she goes everywhere with her. Macy just lifts his head and sniffs the air. Alain knows exactly what it should do when Macy gives a sign that you need to take medication. If Macy sees that Allen did not take drugs, she comes and tells me, so I know what Alain needs help ", - says his mother.

Alena from Doncaster, Yorkshire, was three years old when she was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. The family was forced to adapt to the grueling treatment of his daughter, which requires up to six injections a day. In a desperate attempt to give her daughter the opportunity to lead a normal life, parents learned about the center, where trained dogs that can smell identify deteriorating health of his master.

Family worried that Macy will not be able to train and they will have to have another pet, but it turned out that the dog already distinguishes the unique smells and it should be just a little train. Victoria Hughes believes that all children with diabetes should have a dog, because it gives them a "new life."
Source: mirfactov.com/