Mother keeps son 11 years old killer in a cage for the safety of their neighbors
elderly resident of a small village in the Chinese Shangfan Jiangxi Province Wang Musial for eleven years holding his son in a cage for the safety of their neighbors. 42-year-old prisoner of Wu Yuanhong committed murder 13-year-old boy in 2001. The regional authorities have released offender to freedom, because as a teenager he was diagnosed shizofreniya.
The official verdict was that the man does not incur criminal responsibility for their actions because of the disease. Yuanhong has been placed under house arrest, but was soon able to free themselves from the shackles and escape to ulitsu.
- After he began to walk through the village and scare the locals, I made the difficult decision to place him in a cage, where it will always be under my care - said 74-year-old Van Musial. - My son is crazy, but he's still my baby. I cry every time I think about his situation. Was imprisoned in the basement of his house, Wu Yuanhong several times managed to escape. This forced his mother to build a more robust design and put on his feet okovy.
- I bring her son food three times a day, and take care of his other needs. For me as a knife to the heart to see him in a cage, but I know that it will not cause any harm - admitted pensioner. Size homemade Chinese prison cell is 1, 5 meters long and 1 meter wide. Van Musial takes care of his own child, her four other sons have long since left home.
Source: mirfactov.com/