Return trip

Scientists believe that the "effect of the reverse path" is not the result of a trip to the familiar route, as previously thought, and is due to others' expectations. Lead researcher Niels van de Ven of Tilburg University in the Netherlands said that, as people often underestimate how long it will take a trip, it is, therefore, seen as a long. From this sense, the traveler waits for the return trip must also be long, but it is shorter than ozhidalos.

The researchers note that overly optimistic estimate of time spent in a way that leads to the illusion that the return trip was shorter. This conclusion was based on three short studies in which 350 people participated, who were traveling in different ways: one on the bus who are on a bicycle, who has spent time watching video. The results obtained by the scientists destroyed the popular explanation that the reverse path is shorter, as is already known and therefore more predictable than traveling on vacation.
Source: mirfactov.com/