Trollstigen in Norway (29 photos)
This unusual road, which is called Trollstigen is one of the most popular tourist destinations in western Norway. Under the cut you will learn the history of the construction of this section of the route, and why you should definitely go there.
On paper, this road - a 5-kilometer stretch of track with a mean index of the four-RV63 somewhere in Western Norway. But for those who have been here at least once, the 11 turns will remain forever in the memory. And it is not for the reason that it seems at first glance.
"Incredible dangerous Serpentine!" - So wrote about the way journalists, bloggers and other anthropologists from around the world. And, I assure you, this is true. But the reason is not in cunning "Teschin languages" this amazing road. Drayverskogo pleasure to receive here is unlikely to succeed - because in high season traffic to Trollstigene dense enough, to 2 500 vehicles a day. Endless vans quietly creep up the hill itself and from the mountain, sharing the roadway with tourist buses and camper. All travel sedately and quietly. About typing allowed 80 km.ch. not out of the question.
But even at the minimum speed with views of the valley and mountains, seasoned serpentine convolutions and waterfalls, very distracted driving. You have to be fully focused to look at the opening of the next magical panorama not to crash into the stone cladding sheet fangs.
Many in the RV63 and motorcyclists from many different countries, but the most common Norwegians. For these three prohvatit RV63 in the style of "Wild Hogs" is a wonderful way to spend a weekend. One of the harsh gray-haired Norwegian bikers (in life - sysadmin) for an evening beer told me that the day before, zaglyadevshis to their native beauty, almost caught a concrete block on this road.
Therefore, if you want to admire the views, to do just that - put the machine on one of the existing abundant special sites, breath, and enjoy how bright the sun is hiding behind the pass.
In Norway, like classic cars, so such a scene, and you can watch with your own eyes, if there had been in these parts.
History of the road laid between the towns of Andalsnes and Valldal like the story of the Norway. During the prosperity of trade fairs, and other communications in the late 19th - early 20th century, it was decided to build a technically complicated road through the steep mountain pass with an extensive plateau, which lies midway between these settlements.
Even then (more than 100 years ago), the Norwegian official was clear all the tourist potential of this road. Therefore, a considerable price issue no bogey.
There were years of research, gradually embodied the concept, presentation, allocation, project, working documentation ... Then began the construction, which lasted for almost 8 years.
Work was carried out in very difficult circumstances - from October to May in this region it is snowing and the temperature falls of -20, in addition, workers threatened with permanent rockfalls. But all this was just another test series for the descendants of the Vikings.
As a result, the road through the pass Troll was built in 1936 and no significant changes existed to this day. And live another hundred years.
Act of Acceptance signed personally plot the Norwegian King Haakon VII. That he fell right to give the name of this masterpiece of engineering from the early 20th century. King told poimenovat Trollstigvegenom this object, that is the road "Troll Ladder".
Over the past 10 years, "Troll Road" slightly expanded and established new elements of engineering protection of territories. However, in some places the road narrows to a width of 3.3 meters, so by statutory rules then prohibited the passage of vehicles over a length of 12.4 m. (Technically, it can drive the car in length 13.1 m) .Proezd on the road is only open from late May to early October - the rest of the road covered with snow and it is closed because of high risk. In the middle of the road is a graceful bridge over a waterfall Stigfossen which brings down the flow of water from a height of 180 meters.
Every stone here is not just so, and has an accession number.
The top of the pass is the name of the Trollstigen Stigrёre and has a height of 858 meters above sea level. The slope of the road an average of 9%.
Serpentine is surrounded by mountain peaks furrowed, kotororye wear traditional monarchical tradition in names (King), Dronning (Queen) and Biscop (Bishop).
On top of the pass into the sky surge battered by bad weather and eternity mountain ranges.
As a matter of course: the plateau throughout laid trails for trekking and cycling.
Small wooden houses seem toy.
The aesthetics of simple architecture, waterfalls, red grass, the wind whistling and fills you with the mountain air - and deceptively seems that people here live in symbiosis with continuous severe nature.
Autocamper - the best way to travel to Europe if you are strapped for cash. Even wealthy Europeans prefer not to spend money on hotels, and driven to a house (at the very least end- rent on the spot).
View of the valley Isterdalen.
Norway at the bottom does not look like the one that opened the pass. At the bottom it looks like the Urals, at the top - in the Khibiny.
The views from the top of Trollstigen is not spoiled by the presence of a man - a rare built on the slopes of a permit to feel out of the mountains.
It's amazing how white is white here in the winter - in September, but the snow had not yet put away all the beauty of the moss and the play of light and shadow.
On the pass are equipped with cafes, gift shops. Notice how carefully written, these modern buildings in the surrounding landscape.
Around graze as if descended from the fairy-tale illustrations lambs, did not seem to know anything about the danger posed by the person.
Source: artemspec.livejournal.com

On paper, this road - a 5-kilometer stretch of track with a mean index of the four-RV63 somewhere in Western Norway. But for those who have been here at least once, the 11 turns will remain forever in the memory. And it is not for the reason that it seems at first glance.

"Incredible dangerous Serpentine!" - So wrote about the way journalists, bloggers and other anthropologists from around the world. And, I assure you, this is true. But the reason is not in cunning "Teschin languages" this amazing road. Drayverskogo pleasure to receive here is unlikely to succeed - because in high season traffic to Trollstigene dense enough, to 2 500 vehicles a day. Endless vans quietly creep up the hill itself and from the mountain, sharing the roadway with tourist buses and camper. All travel sedately and quietly. About typing allowed 80 km.ch. not out of the question.

But even at the minimum speed with views of the valley and mountains, seasoned serpentine convolutions and waterfalls, very distracted driving. You have to be fully focused to look at the opening of the next magical panorama not to crash into the stone cladding sheet fangs.

Many in the RV63 and motorcyclists from many different countries, but the most common Norwegians. For these three prohvatit RV63 in the style of "Wild Hogs" is a wonderful way to spend a weekend. One of the harsh gray-haired Norwegian bikers (in life - sysadmin) for an evening beer told me that the day before, zaglyadevshis to their native beauty, almost caught a concrete block on this road.

Therefore, if you want to admire the views, to do just that - put the machine on one of the existing abundant special sites, breath, and enjoy how bright the sun is hiding behind the pass.

In Norway, like classic cars, so such a scene, and you can watch with your own eyes, if there had been in these parts.

History of the road laid between the towns of Andalsnes and Valldal like the story of the Norway. During the prosperity of trade fairs, and other communications in the late 19th - early 20th century, it was decided to build a technically complicated road through the steep mountain pass with an extensive plateau, which lies midway between these settlements.

Even then (more than 100 years ago), the Norwegian official was clear all the tourist potential of this road. Therefore, a considerable price issue no bogey.

There were years of research, gradually embodied the concept, presentation, allocation, project, working documentation ... Then began the construction, which lasted for almost 8 years.

Work was carried out in very difficult circumstances - from October to May in this region it is snowing and the temperature falls of -20, in addition, workers threatened with permanent rockfalls. But all this was just another test series for the descendants of the Vikings.

As a result, the road through the pass Troll was built in 1936 and no significant changes existed to this day. And live another hundred years.

Act of Acceptance signed personally plot the Norwegian King Haakon VII. That he fell right to give the name of this masterpiece of engineering from the early 20th century. King told poimenovat Trollstigvegenom this object, that is the road "Troll Ladder".

Over the past 10 years, "Troll Road" slightly expanded and established new elements of engineering protection of territories. However, in some places the road narrows to a width of 3.3 meters, so by statutory rules then prohibited the passage of vehicles over a length of 12.4 m. (Technically, it can drive the car in length 13.1 m) .Proezd on the road is only open from late May to early October - the rest of the road covered with snow and it is closed because of high risk. In the middle of the road is a graceful bridge over a waterfall Stigfossen which brings down the flow of water from a height of 180 meters.

Every stone here is not just so, and has an accession number.

The top of the pass is the name of the Trollstigen Stigrёre and has a height of 858 meters above sea level. The slope of the road an average of 9%.

Serpentine is surrounded by mountain peaks furrowed, kotororye wear traditional monarchical tradition in names (King), Dronning (Queen) and Biscop (Bishop).

On top of the pass into the sky surge battered by bad weather and eternity mountain ranges.

As a matter of course: the plateau throughout laid trails for trekking and cycling.

Small wooden houses seem toy.

The aesthetics of simple architecture, waterfalls, red grass, the wind whistling and fills you with the mountain air - and deceptively seems that people here live in symbiosis with continuous severe nature.

Autocamper - the best way to travel to Europe if you are strapped for cash. Even wealthy Europeans prefer not to spend money on hotels, and driven to a house (at the very least end- rent on the spot).

View of the valley Isterdalen.

Norway at the bottom does not look like the one that opened the pass. At the bottom it looks like the Urals, at the top - in the Khibiny.

The views from the top of Trollstigen is not spoiled by the presence of a man - a rare built on the slopes of a permit to feel out of the mountains.

It's amazing how white is white here in the winter - in September, but the snow had not yet put away all the beauty of the moss and the play of light and shadow.

On the pass are equipped with cafes, gift shops. Notice how carefully written, these modern buildings in the surrounding landscape.

Around graze as if descended from the fairy-tale illustrations lambs, did not seem to know anything about the danger posed by the person.

Source: artemspec.livejournal.com