Neighbor returned from Norway, told why there is no garden cult and fuss with conservation
When summer comes, many are happy, because it is time for vacations and rest. Vacations in children begin, more freedom, more impressions. But there is one special feature of our summer. We often spoil it for ourselves long standing in a hot cramped kitchen, closing endless cans with canned food.
I don’t doubt that the food is delicious and cheap. But it's very energy intensive. Today we will tell about a country in which rarely people dig in the garden for days and puff in the kitchen over conservation. Our focus today is Norway.
Norway is one of the cleanest countries in the world. And, of course, very beautiful. The climate here is not tropical, but you do not have to freeze all year long. Of course, the higher you climb the mountains, the more likely you are to face frostbite, but in the flat areas from June to September the weather is quite spring.
The Norwegian fjords are especially pleasing to the eye, there is a record holder among its colleagues in Europe - Sognefjord. Its length is 204 km. In Norway, he is called the King of the Fjords.
Children in Norway We rarely see children walking outside in "unflying" weather. There is no bad weather for Norwegians. If you're uncomfortable on the street, it's your fault you picked up the wrong clothes. All school changes children spend on the street. It's raining, there'll be puddle games. Norwegian educators believe that there is no better way to tune in to productive learning than to ventilate the brain in time.
Many of our grandmothers would be outraged: how to live without labor in the garden? After all, it is useful - you work in the fresh air, and the harvest is always under control. Norwegians are not looking for hard ways. To feel more unity with nature, you can go to the mountains for the weekend. If you want to dig in the ground, you can go to help people on strawberry plantations. In fact, few people choose this hobby.
To replace the usual gardens near suburban areas in Norway, you will see well-groomed colored flowerbeds. The main thing is that everything around pleases the eye. This simple philosophy helps Norwegians stay in good spirits.
The right of access to nature is protected by the law "Right of everyone" allows you to walk and be on the sea coast, enjoy nature in forests, mountains and other uncultivated areas of land. But in some protected areas, this right is sometimes limited. It is impossible to make fires from April 15 to September 15. There is no need to pollute the air and create fire hazards. Your freedom ends where the freedom of another begins.
Nature is taken care of very carefully. Each house has containers for sorting garbage. Of course, if you had a picnic with friends, you should leave the purity and beauty behind. Otherwise, you'll have to pay the fine.
It is noteworthy that the Norwegians do not go to collect mushrooms or berries in the forests at the foot of the mountains. These gifts of nature are always given to animals. People can grow goodies in the greenhouse. Thus, with a great desire, you can do something like digging in the garden.
Do you think you should spend your precious time on canning in the summer? Or is it better to buy what you want in the winter? Be sure to write us about it. Norwegians watch their diet, so try to eat only fresh vegetables and fruits. On average, cucumbers and tomatoes cost about twenty crowns in Norway. With a salary of 35,000 kroner, it is easy to afford. The time saved is spent with family or friends.
If you are still an ardent fan of conservation and twists, appreciate our recipes for pickles and savory tomatoes.
What do you know about Norway? Perhaps you can share useful stories about how it is easier to adapt to the conditions in this wonderful country. We look forward to your comments and a good day!
I don’t doubt that the food is delicious and cheap. But it's very energy intensive. Today we will tell about a country in which rarely people dig in the garden for days and puff in the kitchen over conservation. Our focus today is Norway.

Norway is one of the cleanest countries in the world. And, of course, very beautiful. The climate here is not tropical, but you do not have to freeze all year long. Of course, the higher you climb the mountains, the more likely you are to face frostbite, but in the flat areas from June to September the weather is quite spring.

The Norwegian fjords are especially pleasing to the eye, there is a record holder among its colleagues in Europe - Sognefjord. Its length is 204 km. In Norway, he is called the King of the Fjords.
Children in Norway We rarely see children walking outside in "unflying" weather. There is no bad weather for Norwegians. If you're uncomfortable on the street, it's your fault you picked up the wrong clothes. All school changes children spend on the street. It's raining, there'll be puddle games. Norwegian educators believe that there is no better way to tune in to productive learning than to ventilate the brain in time.

Many of our grandmothers would be outraged: how to live without labor in the garden? After all, it is useful - you work in the fresh air, and the harvest is always under control. Norwegians are not looking for hard ways. To feel more unity with nature, you can go to the mountains for the weekend. If you want to dig in the ground, you can go to help people on strawberry plantations. In fact, few people choose this hobby.

To replace the usual gardens near suburban areas in Norway, you will see well-groomed colored flowerbeds. The main thing is that everything around pleases the eye. This simple philosophy helps Norwegians stay in good spirits.
The right of access to nature is protected by the law "Right of everyone" allows you to walk and be on the sea coast, enjoy nature in forests, mountains and other uncultivated areas of land. But in some protected areas, this right is sometimes limited. It is impossible to make fires from April 15 to September 15. There is no need to pollute the air and create fire hazards. Your freedom ends where the freedom of another begins.

Nature is taken care of very carefully. Each house has containers for sorting garbage. Of course, if you had a picnic with friends, you should leave the purity and beauty behind. Otherwise, you'll have to pay the fine.

It is noteworthy that the Norwegians do not go to collect mushrooms or berries in the forests at the foot of the mountains. These gifts of nature are always given to animals. People can grow goodies in the greenhouse. Thus, with a great desire, you can do something like digging in the garden.

Do you think you should spend your precious time on canning in the summer? Or is it better to buy what you want in the winter? Be sure to write us about it. Norwegians watch their diet, so try to eat only fresh vegetables and fruits. On average, cucumbers and tomatoes cost about twenty crowns in Norway. With a salary of 35,000 kroner, it is easy to afford. The time saved is spent with family or friends.
If you are still an ardent fan of conservation and twists, appreciate our recipes for pickles and savory tomatoes.
What do you know about Norway? Perhaps you can share useful stories about how it is easier to adapt to the conditions in this wonderful country. We look forward to your comments and a good day!
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