Mirror of the Soul

How many poems and songs written about the eyes of the special and unique eyes favorite! I loved about the eyes or poems or songs as you do not remember, can from the fact that the poet go when love life has finally taken shape.
Now that the various organs and parts of the human body scientifically tested for uniqueness, you can talk about the eyes from the height of the knowledge gained. It is known that fingerprints are unique, so they are used in forensic science since the last century.
But in the Hollywood blockbuster deft criminals or spies advanced these prints have already forged, create a copy on the thinnest elastic film and glue on his fingers.
Also at the masons after a day when he will lay bricks, five hundred, you these individual figures on the balls will not find - all whittle away at work.
Fingerprints - is, in principle, the last day, although they have a unique index good - 40 conventional degrees of freedom.
For comparison, I would say that the person has only 20 such degrees of freedom. But iris - that is what all poets compose stanzas, has 250 degrees of freedom. In order to make the person an equal uniqueness, it should be no less than five mouths and noses seven.
On average, the iris is 11 millimeters in diameter and is extremely rich in all sorts of spots, rings or folds rytvinkami. Created special scanners iris, which, combined with a special program created by computer analysis of the database.
DzhonLugman professor who developed the algorithm for the program, said that his team scanned millions of eyes, but no repeat not received. In other words, the uniqueness of iris scientifically confirmed.
So - we said to Peter Ivanovich - to identify the person we take this system!
Actually, the system is already used in the Amsterdam airport, on the border of the United States and Canada.
In the United Arab Emirates all land, air and sea terminals, a total of 32, scan the iris of applying for a visa.
The most ambitious operation began in India in 2011. The government decided to collect biometric data of the entire population, and it is 1 billion 300 million. 83 government agencies, 36 thousand stations, a million visitors a day.
Recently scanned figure exceeded 400 million. The purpose of the program - each Indian citizen will receive "Aadhaar" unique individual number to confirm that it will be possible without documents, some biometric data.
This opens up great opportunities for health care, education, voting, distribution of benefits.
The slogan of the program: every poor - his personality!

In this context, a song about the unique eyes of the beloved acquires a new, science-based value.
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