Scientific hoaxes
October 16, 1869 was found from Cardiff Giant. Sculpture height of more than three meters was allegedly found two working in the excavation pit. It has been argued that it is the fossilized remains of ancient giant. In fact, the giant was a fake. On this occasion, we decided to talk about the eleven most famous scientific hoaxes.
Giant from Cardiff
Two workers working on the farm of William Newell in Cardiff, New York, rytёm doing well, supposedly discovered a well-preserved fossils of human three-meter growth. It was announced that the find dates back to biblical times and is the remains of Native Americans. The owner of the land, William Newell, a few days after the discovery began to charge a finder's willing to look at 25 cents, soon doubling it. Although archaeologists announced that the remains can not be authentic, the excitement around the opening of the newspapers failed to stop, and even some Christian preachers began to protect her identity.
Later he bought a piece publisher from Iowa to decorate their homes, and in 1947 sold it to the museum farmers in Cooperstown, New York, where he exhibited until now.
Piltdown Man - great disappointment
Following the discovery of the remains of the unknown, as it seemed, an ancient man in a gravel pit at Piltdown 1912, the world may finally fill the yawning gap in the line of evolution between ape and man. But the pattern remained the subject of controversy as in 1953, an elaborate forgery is still not exposed and found that it is the skull of a fully developed modern man deliberately bonding conductor with a bit podpilennoy orangutan jaw.
Roswell incident - Unidentified DOWNFALL
The alleged collapse of an unidentified flying object was near the town of Roswell (USA) in July 1947. Since the late 1970s the incident has caused fierce controversy and conspiracy theories, primarily due to obscure the nature of the object detected. According to the official position of the US Air Force, the detected object was a weather balloon that was used as part of a secret program "Mogul". In various journalistic sources is popular version: the object was extraterrestrial ship and its pilot was an alien, which the US government to capture and classify.
World famous these "finds" added blokbakster famous "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull." From the middle of the XIX century in Western publications began to appear on the tiny crystal skulls that pre-Columbian antiquities dealers were given for the legacy of the Aztec civilization, the Maya and Olmec, arguing at the same time that the age of the skulls of at least 500 years. Subsequent studies have helped identify that the skulls were made at the same time and found.
Loch Ness monster - the famous Ness
According to legend, the first to tell the world about the mysterious creature in the remote Scottish loch were Roman legionaries. Subsequently, over the centuries report Nessie spread by word of mouth. 19 th and 20 th century were rich reports of Scottish monster that supposedly turned over sailing on the lake. Also we have taken pictures and videos, proving the existence of questionable monster.
CROP CIRCLES - the most common phenomenon
Crop circles began to attract public attention in the 1970s-1980s. When they began to detect in the set in the south of the UK. These icons are large, consisting of circles of different configurations, are found throughout the world, and so far recorded more than 9,000 facts of their presence. Their origin is attributed to the hand of man.
This title belongs to a series of six essays published in the New York newspaper «Sun», the first of which was published August 25, 1835, the opening of life and civilization on the moon. This discovery was falsely attributed to John Herschel, probably one of the most famous astronomers of his time. The author of the "duck" is usually called a journalist «Sun» Richard Adams Locke, never, however, did not publicly admit it. Whoever was the real author of the article, his intention is, on the one hand, to write a sensational article, which would have increased sales of Sun, and the other - to make fun of some incredible astronomical theory, enjoy the trust and popularity.
Patagonian giant - GUARDS SOLAR KINGDOM
This phenomenon has been described by the first explorers of South America. More Magellan claimed that he had met in the jungle people rising more than three meters. According to other versions of these giants guards were lurking kingdom, where Indians have carried all the gold treasures. Anthropometric studies conducted in the XX century, suggest that average growth Tehuelche in the XVI century, when they were met by Magellan's expedition, was about 180 centimeters, which is significantly higher than the average growth of the Spaniards of that time, so they Indians could really seem giants.
Acámbaro figures - False DINOSAURS
These figures were found by an amateur archaeologist Waldemar Yulsrudom, who claimed that they had found the first specimens in 1945 during excavations near Acambaro in Mexico. The collection includes more than 30 000 copies, mostly depicting people, animals and even dinosaurs. The first examination found that the age of the figures - 2500 years. But in the future, it was conducted another examination to debunk this myth. Presumably figures created residents of the area since the early 1940s with the aim to make a profit.
This collection of boulders, run-of river water, which are engraved on the surface of the ancient inhabitants of the Andes. It was collected in the vicinity of the Peruvian city of Ica. Currently, there are more than 50 thousand copies of the stones. Despite the fact that some people believe that the Ica stones are of ancient origin, no evidence of this at the moment does not exist. To determine the real age of the rocks is also impossible, since they are not organic, and the location of the cave, where they were allegedly found, is kept secret. Perhaps some of the stones are examples of pre-Columbian art, but most of them are recognized as a modern forgery.
Cottingley Fairies - beautiful mystification
The famous series of photographs was taken in 1917 and 1921. two teenage girls, sixteen Elsie Wright and her cousin, Frances Griffiths decade. Photos were to serve as proof of the reality of the "little people" (fairies and gnomes) - but it turned out to be one of the most talented hoaxes of the XX century. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, author of detective Sherlock Holmes, until his death firmly believed in the authenticity of the photos from Cottingley.
Source: smartnews.ru
Giant from Cardiff
Two workers working on the farm of William Newell in Cardiff, New York, rytёm doing well, supposedly discovered a well-preserved fossils of human three-meter growth. It was announced that the find dates back to biblical times and is the remains of Native Americans. The owner of the land, William Newell, a few days after the discovery began to charge a finder's willing to look at 25 cents, soon doubling it. Although archaeologists announced that the remains can not be authentic, the excitement around the opening of the newspapers failed to stop, and even some Christian preachers began to protect her identity.
Later he bought a piece publisher from Iowa to decorate their homes, and in 1947 sold it to the museum farmers in Cooperstown, New York, where he exhibited until now.

Piltdown Man - great disappointment
Following the discovery of the remains of the unknown, as it seemed, an ancient man in a gravel pit at Piltdown 1912, the world may finally fill the yawning gap in the line of evolution between ape and man. But the pattern remained the subject of controversy as in 1953, an elaborate forgery is still not exposed and found that it is the skull of a fully developed modern man deliberately bonding conductor with a bit podpilennoy orangutan jaw.

Roswell incident - Unidentified DOWNFALL
The alleged collapse of an unidentified flying object was near the town of Roswell (USA) in July 1947. Since the late 1970s the incident has caused fierce controversy and conspiracy theories, primarily due to obscure the nature of the object detected. According to the official position of the US Air Force, the detected object was a weather balloon that was used as part of a secret program "Mogul". In various journalistic sources is popular version: the object was extraterrestrial ship and its pilot was an alien, which the US government to capture and classify.

World famous these "finds" added blokbakster famous "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull." From the middle of the XIX century in Western publications began to appear on the tiny crystal skulls that pre-Columbian antiquities dealers were given for the legacy of the Aztec civilization, the Maya and Olmec, arguing at the same time that the age of the skulls of at least 500 years. Subsequent studies have helped identify that the skulls were made at the same time and found.

Loch Ness monster - the famous Ness
According to legend, the first to tell the world about the mysterious creature in the remote Scottish loch were Roman legionaries. Subsequently, over the centuries report Nessie spread by word of mouth. 19 th and 20 th century were rich reports of Scottish monster that supposedly turned over sailing on the lake. Also we have taken pictures and videos, proving the existence of questionable monster.

CROP CIRCLES - the most common phenomenon
Crop circles began to attract public attention in the 1970s-1980s. When they began to detect in the set in the south of the UK. These icons are large, consisting of circles of different configurations, are found throughout the world, and so far recorded more than 9,000 facts of their presence. Their origin is attributed to the hand of man.

This title belongs to a series of six essays published in the New York newspaper «Sun», the first of which was published August 25, 1835, the opening of life and civilization on the moon. This discovery was falsely attributed to John Herschel, probably one of the most famous astronomers of his time. The author of the "duck" is usually called a journalist «Sun» Richard Adams Locke, never, however, did not publicly admit it. Whoever was the real author of the article, his intention is, on the one hand, to write a sensational article, which would have increased sales of Sun, and the other - to make fun of some incredible astronomical theory, enjoy the trust and popularity.

Patagonian giant - GUARDS SOLAR KINGDOM
This phenomenon has been described by the first explorers of South America. More Magellan claimed that he had met in the jungle people rising more than three meters. According to other versions of these giants guards were lurking kingdom, where Indians have carried all the gold treasures. Anthropometric studies conducted in the XX century, suggest that average growth Tehuelche in the XVI century, when they were met by Magellan's expedition, was about 180 centimeters, which is significantly higher than the average growth of the Spaniards of that time, so they Indians could really seem giants.

Acámbaro figures - False DINOSAURS
These figures were found by an amateur archaeologist Waldemar Yulsrudom, who claimed that they had found the first specimens in 1945 during excavations near Acambaro in Mexico. The collection includes more than 30 000 copies, mostly depicting people, animals and even dinosaurs. The first examination found that the age of the figures - 2500 years. But in the future, it was conducted another examination to debunk this myth. Presumably figures created residents of the area since the early 1940s with the aim to make a profit.

This collection of boulders, run-of river water, which are engraved on the surface of the ancient inhabitants of the Andes. It was collected in the vicinity of the Peruvian city of Ica. Currently, there are more than 50 thousand copies of the stones. Despite the fact that some people believe that the Ica stones are of ancient origin, no evidence of this at the moment does not exist. To determine the real age of the rocks is also impossible, since they are not organic, and the location of the cave, where they were allegedly found, is kept secret. Perhaps some of the stones are examples of pre-Columbian art, but most of them are recognized as a modern forgery.

Cottingley Fairies - beautiful mystification
The famous series of photographs was taken in 1917 and 1921. two teenage girls, sixteen Elsie Wright and her cousin, Frances Griffiths decade. Photos were to serve as proof of the reality of the "little people" (fairies and gnomes) - but it turned out to be one of the most talented hoaxes of the XX century. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, author of detective Sherlock Holmes, until his death firmly believed in the authenticity of the photos from Cottingley.

Source: smartnews.ru