They got what they deserved
For his crimes each person must meet and carry severe penalties. It happens that some people manage to avoid punishment, but not the characters of today's post - they got what they deserved full.
Air trolls troll
Darren Burton - one 41-year-old troll who has devoted much of his life leaving messages such as "decomposed into pieces" on the Facebook pages of dead children, justifying their actions by claiming that Facebook is "open forum". Perhaps he does not know what the word "justification". Most of us ignore these messages, not paying attention to them and experiencing just an annoyance, but the BBC has decided to intervene yet. It may seem strange and rather surprising that one of the most respected news organizations in the world decided potrollit troll. It all started with the journalists descended suddenly home to Burton on an unscheduled interview. This led to his full exposure in front of his wife and child in broad daylight. After Burton still reluctant to give interviews, BBC began to broadcast it to the name and the place where the switch was conducted. You can already guess what it led to. Burton's Facebook page was filled with the same kind of message he left on the pages of children died as a result of which he had to delete my account and run like a frightened child. But what about the words of Burton "is an open forum?" Apparently, they give the right to write only bad things to him.
Misogynist forced to play in the "dressing»
According to some idiots, the presence of the ovaries does not give you the right to be human. Hauzholder Jason and his friend John Stokum were exactly the same. One day, after drinking in a tiny town in Ohio, the couple decided to show their hatred of one woman who was nearby, throwing beer bottles in her car. Unfortunately for them and fortunately for all of us, the local prison was overcrowded when the police brought them to the verdict, and a local judge came up with a much more suitable for their punishment. Hauzholder Stokum and were forced to wear dresses, wigs and make-up, and walk the parade along the main street for an hour, in full view of the crowd that mocked them, and they even threw in plastic bottles. In other words, these two experienced exactly what their sacrifice.
Guy earned on incoming calls
If you're still stuck in the 20th century in the world of fixed-line phones, and now know what problems you may have from Lee Beaumont. In 2011, he received an average of 30 calls a month from all idiots, trying to sell him a double glazing and much more. Then one day, Lee decided to punish the aggressors anonymous and make it a very simple way possible. Since the end of November 2011, smart guy changed his home phone number to a premium number. From this point, any company that called him, paying about 16 cents per minute, offering their business services. And believe me, Lee is now tightened the conversation as he could. By July this year, he earned £ 300 ($ 470), just sitting at home and receiving payment for call centers across the country. Since the beginning of this story, the number of calls has become even greater. According to The Guardian, Beaumont is now trying desperately eager to tell reporters about his salary scheme
Just punishment
Not all children are lovely and friendly. Take, for example, 13-year-old Keytlen. Last year, she and her 11-year-old friend of blunt scissors, cut off all your hair three year old girl, whom he met in one of McDonald's in Utah. Obviously, this is not the worst thing that could happen to a three year old girl (who could suppose to eat some of the food in the cafe), but how much you have to be mean-spirited to do it. And you'll be glad to hear that the punishment fits the crime. When Keytlen and her friend were in the juvenile court judge Johansen decided to strike it from the fact that most affect a teenager and her father ordered her daughter Keytlen cut hair. Yes, I mow it almost nalyso. And right there in court, where the girl and her friend experienced an improvised barbershop services that their sacrifice, with the added bonus, because the whole process took place in front of dozens of people. And if you think that the punishment was too harsh for Keytlen, keep in mind that it had previously for eight months terrorized another child their anonymous phone calls threatening to rape and beating. So she got what she really deserved.
25-year-old boy's time in adulthood
One of the hardest things that once parents face is the realization that they have grown scum. In 2011, an unknown Spanish couple was faced with the same situation when they are unemployed, living at home son sued them to increase the amount of its contents. Just to be clear, his son has just turned 25 years old, and the parents stopped giving him money because he refused to find a job. In other words, he was probably the laziest person in the whole of Spain, and fortunately, the legal system of the country has decided to teach him a lesson. When it came to court, the judge did not consider it, but issued a decree which gave the guy 30 days to move out of my parents' house. In addition, it is legally obliged to find a job and (presumably) to stop being such a baby crying.
Not those attacked
In October 2009, two Welsh thug - Dean Jason Gardener and Fender - walked through the streets of Swansea and currently looking for trouble. After drinking cider, both thought to have found their ideal victims, when they noticed a couple transvestite marching down the street in bright clothes. Through a combination of its intoxicated and despicable human nature, Gardener and Fender began to verbally and physically attack the pair. And that turned out to be in reality. Two transvestites took part in the fighting without rules, and today was just a costume party. When Gardener and Fender have driven them, the response received hard blows. This was followed by what the bandits obviously did not expect - namely sobbing unconscious kind that you would expect from a man who decided to match themselves against a trained fighter. When the dust settled, two transvestite just took my bags and went off to have fun on, leaving Gardener and Fendera lying on the ground waiting for the police.
The result of adultery on eBay
In 2008, one Australian came home and found her husband with an awkward look and shorts, while the rear door was slightly ajar, and - what was most compromising - so it's a pair of lacy panties peeking out from under his pillow. While the majority of women are likely to be kicked out for cheating spouse or just break off relations and cry your mother, this woman has done something much more amazing. She created an account on eBay and began to spread there evidence of her husband's adventures. First it was panties indicated as "panties prostitute" large enough that you could use them as a shawl on Halloween. The second subject was a condom wrapper "size small." And the third lot, offering for sale, her husband had a motorcycle Harley-Davidson for 99 cents. In such a short time, the woman took revenge on her unnamed husband; And she has given and publicly disgraced her rival. That's class.
Bully found through the Internet
If you are weak-willed, and even physically weak person, then, believe me, going to the gym can be a frustrating experience for you. In addition to recognizing that you probably never lift anything heavier than your laptop, you also have to endure taunts from the side and become an object of fun photos. And that's what happened. Last month, an Australian guy made a huge mistake, take pictures of people at the gym and upload images on Facebook with offensive comments. Somehow, these images were on Reddit and saw the photos were on people who decide to teach the offender a lesson. Firstly, they found his personal information and use it to call your mother and tell her what her son, the idiot, the same thing they told and the manager of the hall, which went to the guy. Finally, they sat back and watched like a bully crumbling life: his mother stopped giving him money, his friends decided that he was no longer their friend and owner of a chain of gyms forbade him to visit them.
The offender has put himself in the place of the victim
In 2004, Iranian Majid Mohavedi villain showed the world what a horrible person he was, pouring acid in the face Amen Bahrami when she came home from work, thus blinding her. Bahrami previously rejected his proposal of marriage, and Majid, apparently, decided to take revenge on her just such a terrible way. But from this point the fun begins. In Iran, it should be strictly according to the laws of Sharia and Sharia law provides a penalty in an "eye for an eye." In the case of Bahrami, she took it personally. When Mohavedi has been on trial, she turned to him with a request: she wanted to Majid was also blinded by acid. The court accepted her request. Over the next three years, the offender lived, knowing that soon will feel the exact same pain and fear as his victim. In 2011, he was taken to a hospital in Tehran, and knew he would have the blind, when he wakes up. Before justify such a cruel and unusual punishment, I should add that Bahrami cancel the procedure at the last minute, saying that does not want anyone to go through what she went better and forgive all her abuser. Mohavedi retained his eyesight, but has changed dramatically, knowing the fear and suffering of the victim endured and felt all these years.
Premature explosion
In the winter of 2010, one of the groups in Russia was preparing to commit a terrorist act. By the end of the year, three unidentified women had planned to commit suicide blew herself up in a crowd at a party in Moscow. The results could be very comparable and deplorable terrorist attacks which took place in Moscow earlier. Just then something went wrong. You see, Russian suicide bomber wearing a mobile phone on his belt, and a bomb explodes in the mooment when the phone receives a message - that is, their accomplices can remotely detonate bombs at the site if something goes wrong. It is an impressive system, but it can also work at the wrong time, it can backfire, especially if used by stupid people - which include the phone before you leave home. In an era when companies send out thousands of spam SMS, this method is at least stupid. An hour before the attack was to happen, one of the women received an automated text wishes her a happy New Year. Her waist instantly exploded, killing the girl and pulled down the house, leaving other potential terrorists were wounded. None of the civilians are not hurt in the blast, and the Russian authorities had been warned of a possible terrorist attack. In other words, it was a kind of divine intervention that saved the lives of countless nothing innocent people. That is justice.
Source: pervakov.livejournal.com

Air trolls troll
Darren Burton - one 41-year-old troll who has devoted much of his life leaving messages such as "decomposed into pieces" on the Facebook pages of dead children, justifying their actions by claiming that Facebook is "open forum". Perhaps he does not know what the word "justification". Most of us ignore these messages, not paying attention to them and experiencing just an annoyance, but the BBC has decided to intervene yet. It may seem strange and rather surprising that one of the most respected news organizations in the world decided potrollit troll. It all started with the journalists descended suddenly home to Burton on an unscheduled interview. This led to his full exposure in front of his wife and child in broad daylight. After Burton still reluctant to give interviews, BBC began to broadcast it to the name and the place where the switch was conducted. You can already guess what it led to. Burton's Facebook page was filled with the same kind of message he left on the pages of children died as a result of which he had to delete my account and run like a frightened child. But what about the words of Burton "is an open forum?" Apparently, they give the right to write only bad things to him.

Misogynist forced to play in the "dressing»
According to some idiots, the presence of the ovaries does not give you the right to be human. Hauzholder Jason and his friend John Stokum were exactly the same. One day, after drinking in a tiny town in Ohio, the couple decided to show their hatred of one woman who was nearby, throwing beer bottles in her car. Unfortunately for them and fortunately for all of us, the local prison was overcrowded when the police brought them to the verdict, and a local judge came up with a much more suitable for their punishment. Hauzholder Stokum and were forced to wear dresses, wigs and make-up, and walk the parade along the main street for an hour, in full view of the crowd that mocked them, and they even threw in plastic bottles. In other words, these two experienced exactly what their sacrifice.

Guy earned on incoming calls
If you're still stuck in the 20th century in the world of fixed-line phones, and now know what problems you may have from Lee Beaumont. In 2011, he received an average of 30 calls a month from all idiots, trying to sell him a double glazing and much more. Then one day, Lee decided to punish the aggressors anonymous and make it a very simple way possible. Since the end of November 2011, smart guy changed his home phone number to a premium number. From this point, any company that called him, paying about 16 cents per minute, offering their business services. And believe me, Lee is now tightened the conversation as he could. By July this year, he earned £ 300 ($ 470), just sitting at home and receiving payment for call centers across the country. Since the beginning of this story, the number of calls has become even greater. According to The Guardian, Beaumont is now trying desperately eager to tell reporters about his salary scheme

Just punishment
Not all children are lovely and friendly. Take, for example, 13-year-old Keytlen. Last year, she and her 11-year-old friend of blunt scissors, cut off all your hair three year old girl, whom he met in one of McDonald's in Utah. Obviously, this is not the worst thing that could happen to a three year old girl (who could suppose to eat some of the food in the cafe), but how much you have to be mean-spirited to do it. And you'll be glad to hear that the punishment fits the crime. When Keytlen and her friend were in the juvenile court judge Johansen decided to strike it from the fact that most affect a teenager and her father ordered her daughter Keytlen cut hair. Yes, I mow it almost nalyso. And right there in court, where the girl and her friend experienced an improvised barbershop services that their sacrifice, with the added bonus, because the whole process took place in front of dozens of people. And if you think that the punishment was too harsh for Keytlen, keep in mind that it had previously for eight months terrorized another child their anonymous phone calls threatening to rape and beating. So she got what she really deserved.

25-year-old boy's time in adulthood
One of the hardest things that once parents face is the realization that they have grown scum. In 2011, an unknown Spanish couple was faced with the same situation when they are unemployed, living at home son sued them to increase the amount of its contents. Just to be clear, his son has just turned 25 years old, and the parents stopped giving him money because he refused to find a job. In other words, he was probably the laziest person in the whole of Spain, and fortunately, the legal system of the country has decided to teach him a lesson. When it came to court, the judge did not consider it, but issued a decree which gave the guy 30 days to move out of my parents' house. In addition, it is legally obliged to find a job and (presumably) to stop being such a baby crying.

Not those attacked
In October 2009, two Welsh thug - Dean Jason Gardener and Fender - walked through the streets of Swansea and currently looking for trouble. After drinking cider, both thought to have found their ideal victims, when they noticed a couple transvestite marching down the street in bright clothes. Through a combination of its intoxicated and despicable human nature, Gardener and Fender began to verbally and physically attack the pair. And that turned out to be in reality. Two transvestites took part in the fighting without rules, and today was just a costume party. When Gardener and Fender have driven them, the response received hard blows. This was followed by what the bandits obviously did not expect - namely sobbing unconscious kind that you would expect from a man who decided to match themselves against a trained fighter. When the dust settled, two transvestite just took my bags and went off to have fun on, leaving Gardener and Fendera lying on the ground waiting for the police.

The result of adultery on eBay
In 2008, one Australian came home and found her husband with an awkward look and shorts, while the rear door was slightly ajar, and - what was most compromising - so it's a pair of lacy panties peeking out from under his pillow. While the majority of women are likely to be kicked out for cheating spouse or just break off relations and cry your mother, this woman has done something much more amazing. She created an account on eBay and began to spread there evidence of her husband's adventures. First it was panties indicated as "panties prostitute" large enough that you could use them as a shawl on Halloween. The second subject was a condom wrapper "size small." And the third lot, offering for sale, her husband had a motorcycle Harley-Davidson for 99 cents. In such a short time, the woman took revenge on her unnamed husband; And she has given and publicly disgraced her rival. That's class.

Bully found through the Internet
If you are weak-willed, and even physically weak person, then, believe me, going to the gym can be a frustrating experience for you. In addition to recognizing that you probably never lift anything heavier than your laptop, you also have to endure taunts from the side and become an object of fun photos. And that's what happened. Last month, an Australian guy made a huge mistake, take pictures of people at the gym and upload images on Facebook with offensive comments. Somehow, these images were on Reddit and saw the photos were on people who decide to teach the offender a lesson. Firstly, they found his personal information and use it to call your mother and tell her what her son, the idiot, the same thing they told and the manager of the hall, which went to the guy. Finally, they sat back and watched like a bully crumbling life: his mother stopped giving him money, his friends decided that he was no longer their friend and owner of a chain of gyms forbade him to visit them.

The offender has put himself in the place of the victim
In 2004, Iranian Majid Mohavedi villain showed the world what a horrible person he was, pouring acid in the face Amen Bahrami when she came home from work, thus blinding her. Bahrami previously rejected his proposal of marriage, and Majid, apparently, decided to take revenge on her just such a terrible way. But from this point the fun begins. In Iran, it should be strictly according to the laws of Sharia and Sharia law provides a penalty in an "eye for an eye." In the case of Bahrami, she took it personally. When Mohavedi has been on trial, she turned to him with a request: she wanted to Majid was also blinded by acid. The court accepted her request. Over the next three years, the offender lived, knowing that soon will feel the exact same pain and fear as his victim. In 2011, he was taken to a hospital in Tehran, and knew he would have the blind, when he wakes up. Before justify such a cruel and unusual punishment, I should add that Bahrami cancel the procedure at the last minute, saying that does not want anyone to go through what she went better and forgive all her abuser. Mohavedi retained his eyesight, but has changed dramatically, knowing the fear and suffering of the victim endured and felt all these years.

Premature explosion
In the winter of 2010, one of the groups in Russia was preparing to commit a terrorist act. By the end of the year, three unidentified women had planned to commit suicide blew herself up in a crowd at a party in Moscow. The results could be very comparable and deplorable terrorist attacks which took place in Moscow earlier. Just then something went wrong. You see, Russian suicide bomber wearing a mobile phone on his belt, and a bomb explodes in the mooment when the phone receives a message - that is, their accomplices can remotely detonate bombs at the site if something goes wrong. It is an impressive system, but it can also work at the wrong time, it can backfire, especially if used by stupid people - which include the phone before you leave home. In an era when companies send out thousands of spam SMS, this method is at least stupid. An hour before the attack was to happen, one of the women received an automated text wishes her a happy New Year. Her waist instantly exploded, killing the girl and pulled down the house, leaving other potential terrorists were wounded. None of the civilians are not hurt in the blast, and the Russian authorities had been warned of a possible terrorist attack. In other words, it was a kind of divine intervention that saved the lives of countless nothing innocent people. That is justice.

Source: pervakov.livejournal.com