Ways to "charge" the brain
Get up early
Go to bed early and wake up early - the first rule. The brain works best is in the morning, according to research by the University of Saseksa. If you have, for example, take the test, the results before noon will be better at 5%.
Chewing gum not only freshens breath, and improves brain function. Chewing increases the heart rate, and it helps to improve the enrichment of oxygen and glucose in your brain. Saliva helps to start up the memory, releasing insulin, which stimulates receptors in the brain cells of the memory.
In a blow to the vitamin
B vitamins help the brain very well. Vitamin B6 improves the performance of long-term memory, and B1, 2 and B12 reduced and helps to develop brain tissue. B vitamins can you get in your diet by adding chicken, oily fish and bananas. And if that's not enough, buy a vitamin complex in the pharmacy.
Eat right
Your brain also suffers from malnutrition. "Eat little and often - it helps your body to constantly maintain the desired level of power - says the author of" You Are What You Eat: How to plan meals "Carina Norris. - Large portions provide a serious blood flow to the stomach to aid the process of digestion, which means that the blood flow comes from the brain ».
Learn another language
This will not only help you during your next trip to another country, but will maintain your brain in shape. According to a study at University College in London, the second language of the gray matter changes - part of the brain that helps you process information. It's like going to the gym - the more the better you are swinging, the more muscle you have, but here the more languages you know, the better the situation with gray matter.
Do not forget about herbs
Add rosemary shoots for his breakfast. This will improve the blood flow to the brain and beneficial influence on the joint work of the brain and body. Rosemary is not the only herb that enhances cognitive function - sage, for example, will help you concentrate better ...
According to the materials of the Federal State Statistics Service of the Russian Federation in 2013:
Why do they run in the world, against which the act?