Three reasons compel Ukraine to escape to a terrible EU

One of the main arguments that use the witnesses the horrors of the EU lies in the fact that it is a terrible and cowardly geopolitical Education wants to push us into bondage on their own terms, and we lose our subjectivity, which is fraught with us a new wave of horror, genocide, and other stuff.
There's horrible people living savages, on the face of terrible, but good inside
"The Diamond Arm»
Let us examine the order.
First, as I mentioned earlier, we are already in bondage. Country of total debtors in bondage by definition. She is in bondage to the IMF, commodity markets, traders, oligarchs and other subjects. Do we enter the EU or the vehicle does not change anything fundamentally, because Russia itself is in the same bondage. Russia's foreign debt to July 2013 amounted to 705 billion. US dollars. Thus, if we face a choice - bondage or servitude, we confidently choose bondage. (Although there is a third option - Kabbalah and are particularly fond of the successful establishment of our representatives)
Secondly, we can not lose what we have. Ukraine is not a subject in the coming years will not be able to become one. Even if we had a nuclear weapon, then we would have no subjectivity. In general, who decided that nuclear weapons is a sign of subjectivity? One of the attributes, but no more.
For example, Pakistan has nuclear weapons. Pakistan - the subject? Do not tell, a country on the brink of collapse, with the starving population, debts and one functioning institutions - the army, not the subject. She certainly has a certain room for maneuver larger or smaller. A space for maneuver of Pakistan, perhaps more than in Bangladesh. The only question is where this maneuver will lead and how much it will cost.
I would say more, the United States, too, not subjectivity in full, in spite of its 12 carrier battle groups, squadrons of F-22, the clouds of drones with bouquets of Hellfire, heaps of rubbish in the form cruisers URO and other attributes of great power.
The US position in the Syrian conflict - vivid evidence. The United States is certainly strong, and their opportunities are very wide, but they, like the hero of the movie "Bruce Almighty" limited in their capabilities and often do not seek to ensure that our clandestine conspiracy theorists take for granted, and is painted in his fantasies, obryzgvaya poisonous saliva themselves and others.
What can we say about our dilapidated Ukraine, where the understanding of subjectivity ends gate house Mezhyhiria?
That's right, is not talking about.
Now that we understand that we have no subjectivity and we have long been in bondage, let's move on to the horrors of the genocide and who are waiting for us in connection with the association with the European Union damned overrun gay, transgender and other evil spirits.
We are told that the European Union Association Agreement imposes on its own terms. Have mercy, Lord, well, of course, on its own, and on what else? We want to get closer to the organization in which more than 25 states with a 2-year history. We want a closer relationship with the subject, where live 500 million. Man with his standards, dogs, gays and magnetic levitation train.
The objective of the school of physics: If the two faces of the body where the weight exceeds the weight of the other 12 times, the trajectory of the body change?
Correct, change the trajectory of Ukraine as a smaller, poorly managed body.
This means that Ukraine will enter into an association with the EU under the terms of the European Union. If you want to go to some club, you will be subject to its rules. You do not have to accept these rules, but if you do not go to this club. So, the question is whether we want to go to this club. We would like to? Of course!
Firstly, we have an ancient tradition of which we are not going to give up. It is not being able to put things in order in their own land, we do this with an external entity. Pan, to put it simply. He took us under wing and put things in order, and we hated the quiet. Then we were bored and we left the pan to another, hoping that it will be better. History shows that we are deceived. I see no reasons why we do not deceive this time. However, since we are dealing with the beliefs that "we'll live better when we are in Europe," it is useless to speak here on the rational language. All these attempts to talk about what Ukraine will suffer economic losses are doomed to failure because they subconsciously blocked. "Faith in Europe" has become a substitute for "faith in communism." We just want to believe in a brighter future.
Secondly, our oligarchs held in European banks. They do not trust each other and do not trust Russia. Europe, they are also not very much believe, but in Europe the system is built on trust. Because there you can keep the money, and we do not. Because Akhmetov buys an apartment in the center of London for 200 million. Pounds. He genuinely attracted to confidence, and he wants to trust. Confidence breeds confidence, which generates money. And if he and others will not trust Europe, and Europe will not trust them. Lack of trust will lead to the fact that money in European banks from the Ukrainian oligarchs will be taken in favor of the European states. As it happened in Cyprus. From this perspective, Russia has lost the battle for Ukraine at the start, as well as their money Moscow trusts Europe. Why, then, Ukrainian oligarchs to work with a mediator? Here they are in single file and pulled into the center of Mission Control. This is a rational motivation, and because the oligarchs determine government policy, the government is moving in the path outlined their interests. The rest of it may not be pleasant, but they are not, and their.
Third, the motivation of ordinary Ukrainians are aimed at any cost to get away from the horrors of genocide and that they lie in wait at every turn in modern Ukraine. Advocates ala Glazyev, telling horror stories about how Ukraine will rush juvenile hordes of homosexuals who will take children, to turn all the Council of Europe * sualnye minorities and to make other incompatible with the ideals of pure orthodoxy, infamy, lose sight of the main thing. The fact that homosexual Zabavka corrupt feudal Europe against the backdrop of the horrors of modern Ukraine simply faded out from lack of creativity and implementation. The worst sadomasochistic fantasies damned adherents of LGBT in Ukraine for a long time implemented in everyday life of ordinary citizens who enthusiastically slaughtered, raped, burned, poisoned, robbed, dismembered, dissolved in acid, their relatives, neighbors and just passers-by.
So after 22 years of Darwinian experiment average Ukrainian is ready for an unequal battle with the European ... you fagot. Personally, I have no doubt that it's easy to shove in your ass any tamoshnem gay F * loimitatory and other trappings of European life happy, for that will be the base. In exchange for the extinction of the dismemberment of everyday life and other subjects of TV channel "1 + 1" headed by the permanent leader of domestic horror Lidia Taran.
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