Ludmila Petrushevskaya. Genius

Tarantino, looking at the Moscow Museum of Cinema "Tale of Tales" asked:
- Why did not I seen this picture? Why is it so little show in the world?

I looked up "Tale of Tales" at least fifty times, and still remains a mystery.
It was a mix of unjoinable. It was a symphony with different themes.
One hero walked through the entire film - Spinner, a small creature, a child of war.

Eternal soul who freely visit the golden age, a quiet monastery on the shore, where he lives a happy fisherman with his family, which is in a wheelchair (silently) fat kid and his little sister in a ball gown and hat jumping over the rope in the company of a bull Picasso ...

Jura where he and his wife Francesca forever live under the plane tree, his wife washes, and he catches a fish and they eat for ever in the air with them their cat Murka with them their guests - bald poet with lyre and the occasional young man, free from the things pensive passer.

Wolfy lives and where sparkling modern city at night with roaring cars on the highway. Where ever dance like moths to a lamp, a girl with a pre-war cavalry, and always plays tango those forties years - "Burnt by the Sun» ...

Where ever go to war. Where are returned from the war - but a few. Where wet lilac bushes around the memorial table is dropped tear drops over a glass of vodka, which is left for dead and covered with a piece of bread, according to Russian tradition. Oh my God, I cried when I watched this movie! Every time.

Now some of his show on TV almost every anniversary of the Victory. And if you remember, Yura? It was banned immediately, "It will not be clear to the people!».
We're talking on the phone. To save the movie, someone advised to write the narration. I tried - did not work. To do was impossible. I was angry, being an experienced prohibited by the author. Me too much advised - make, for example, in the story of a good end. Then print. Remember, Jura, what I told you?
- Jura! This film will in all textbooks movie! Do not worry and do nothing with it! All. I turn off the phone!
It was the only way out.

But a miracle happened. Remember when you called me in early November?
- Lucy! - (Sheepishly told you) - I was given a State Prize.
Norstein, artist and operator Yarbusovoy Zhukovsky gave the main prize of the Soviet state! For their cartoons!
It was a miracle. I burst out laughing. We laughed a lot on the phone and we would have to cry with happiness. Francesca made himself a wonderful dress cheap woolen shawls. You, Jura, was, in my opinion, nothing to wear. Went even without a tie.
Speaking in the Kremlin, you thanked her parents (and not the party, not the government, others). I composed a poem "Winner with laureate sitting socks with holes in the heel».
"Tale of Tales" allowed.