Unique device for 3D-shooting
Manufacturer, focused on the production of cheap camcorders made a unique offer in the form of devaysa for shooting in 3D-format.
Agree, an extraordinary event! But camcorder has its significant disadvantages. Camcorder DXG 3D View replace the normal video. Under "normal" we do not mean HD-format. Recording is performed consistently in the resolution of 800x480. For easy viewing (not to carry constantly 3D-glasses) camcorder "armed" auxiliary display 7 inches. Price camcorder is really going to be the budget (about $ 400), and the device will hit the stores in about two months.

Agree, an extraordinary event! But camcorder has its significant disadvantages. Camcorder DXG 3D View replace the normal video. Under "normal" we do not mean HD-format. Recording is performed consistently in the resolution of 800x480. For easy viewing (not to carry constantly 3D-glasses) camcorder "armed" auxiliary display 7 inches. Price camcorder is really going to be the budget (about $ 400), and the device will hit the stores in about two months.

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