Cake, Panna Cotta "Winter Cherry" - the recipe is not super easy, but incredibly delicious! Sensational flavor.
600 ml.slivok 35%
75 gr.sahara,
1 gr.vanili,
a little lemon peel,
100 ml.moloka,
15 gr.zhelatina,
form 22h18,
250 gr.pechenya Savoiardi (31 pcs. 10x2 cm.),
90 ml.moloka,
40 c. chocolate drops (finely chopped dark chocolate),
250-300 gr.vishni in its own juice,
200 ml.vishnevogo juice (from the compote),
2 tablespoons sugar,
7 c. pectin (Gelfix extra Dr.Oetker),
mint for decoration.
Method of preparation:
eamochit gelatin in cold vodemoloko heat and dissolve the sugar in it, squeeze the swollen gelatin and dissolve in moloke.vvesti milk mixture into the cream, add vanilla and zest, mix well and put on 7-10 minutes in the refrigerator to cream a bit zagustel.na bottom form vystelit cookies (10 pcs.) and drench it with milk using kistochki.vylit half slightly thickened cream and cookies vystelit top Savoiardi that just moisten with milk and pour the remaining cream, sprinkle with chocolate slightly imbedded in his kreme.vystelit remaining cookies and moisten it molokom.nakryt plёnkoy.pomestit food cake in the refrigerator for at least 3-4 hours, I was all nochakkuratno thin knife to cut the sides of the cake and release it on the form, you can blow the sides form fenom.otkinut cherries in a colander, save juice. Mix pectin with sugar and dissolve in cherry juice, put on fire and not ceasing to interfere cook for 3 minutes. from the beginning of the boil, cool and mix with cherry to give a little zagustet.pokryt top of tart cherries, decorate with mint