The ultra-hours news
Just three cutting-edge trends in the world of watches from Tokyoflash and Swatch, as well as the concept called «Avatar 1259B».
Watches «Avatar 1259B» compared with the same diode models seem to be easy, because on the round display exactly 12 light emitting diodes - that, in fact, have the clock display. A two strips which consist of nine and five LEDs corresponding segments 1 and 10 minutes. That is, when it's noon - will burn only one LED at a round display that corresponds to 12 hours. Exactly one minute before eleven on the dial lit LED and two LEDs, which are located in the far right of each of the strips. «Avatar 1259B» does not show a second and, in many respects, it is an advantage because in this case it is sufficient to sum them every six months. Price watch about $ 160 and are available in several color options and the body diodes.
The company Tokyoflash has long established itself a manufacturer of the original time puzzles. Here and now «Kisai Round Trip Pocket» turned out to be a very original idea. Before you watch-charm, which do not have numbers, but instead of numbers while colored segments show. The orange circle shows the hours in here exactly 12 segments. Blue circle located on the outside of the circle shows minutes. In one segment it fits exactly three minutes. A green segments represent separate minutes. Only $ 73 and you are lucky enough «Kisai Round Trip Pocket». Charging the phone comes via USB-port on the computer. A full charge will take about 3 hours, and charge enough for at least a month.
Swatch watches always have pioneered the use of the latest developments in the assembly of hours, as well as the use of cheap, fashionable but synthetic materials. So this time the company has offered a rather original clock whose dial, as such, there is no closed plastic panel. The clock just look out over the edge of the rim, and they can be seen thanks to the bright color. Most likely, the target audience of this watch will be young people who can not afford to buy expensive watches, but loves innovation.

Watches «Avatar 1259B» compared with the same diode models seem to be easy, because on the round display exactly 12 light emitting diodes - that, in fact, have the clock display. A two strips which consist of nine and five LEDs corresponding segments 1 and 10 minutes. That is, when it's noon - will burn only one LED at a round display that corresponds to 12 hours. Exactly one minute before eleven on the dial lit LED and two LEDs, which are located in the far right of each of the strips. «Avatar 1259B» does not show a second and, in many respects, it is an advantage because in this case it is sufficient to sum them every six months. Price watch about $ 160 and are available in several color options and the body diodes.

The company Tokyoflash has long established itself a manufacturer of the original time puzzles. Here and now «Kisai Round Trip Pocket» turned out to be a very original idea. Before you watch-charm, which do not have numbers, but instead of numbers while colored segments show. The orange circle shows the hours in here exactly 12 segments. Blue circle located on the outside of the circle shows minutes. In one segment it fits exactly three minutes. A green segments represent separate minutes. Only $ 73 and you are lucky enough «Kisai Round Trip Pocket». Charging the phone comes via USB-port on the computer. A full charge will take about 3 hours, and charge enough for at least a month.

Swatch watches always have pioneered the use of the latest developments in the assembly of hours, as well as the use of cheap, fashionable but synthetic materials. So this time the company has offered a rather original clock whose dial, as such, there is no closed plastic panel. The clock just look out over the edge of the rim, and they can be seen thanks to the bright color. Most likely, the target audience of this watch will be young people who can not afford to buy expensive watches, but loves innovation.

iPhonekiller by Ronen Kadushin (Ronen Kadushin)
International Furniture and modern design «International Contemporary Furniture Fair» (ICFF 2010)