Jesus Christ, Napoleon, Hitler, Michael Jackson and Darth Vader - that common?
It would seem, well, absolutely nothing from these people be in sight can not, moreover, that they know the names of many people on our planet. But the answer is still there, and you know him from our material.
And actually very simple. The popular avant-garde magazine «H-57" chose eight famous characters in history and depicted their lives in the form of icons. By mentioned above even add Marie Antoinette, Gaius Julius Caesar and Bruce Lee, and get a complete list of those who have shared can only be a selection of icons life from «H-57" and nothing more. This material is interesting, first of all, lovers of black humor and fans of design in the style of minimal. Merry view.
And actually very simple. The popular avant-garde magazine «H-57" chose eight famous characters in history and depicted their lives in the form of icons. By mentioned above even add Marie Antoinette, Gaius Julius Caesar and Bruce Lee, and get a complete list of those who have shared can only be a selection of icons life from «H-57" and nothing more. This material is interesting, first of all, lovers of black humor and fans of design in the style of minimal. Merry view.
Illustrations by Georges Le Mersenera (Georges Le Mercenaire)
Tomato Festival «La Tomatina 2011" in Spain