America seventies
On all known resources Flickr we came upon an interesting group that collects photographs taken in the seventies of the last century. Here you will find pictures, which were mainly made in the east of the country.
Among all the piles of photos found both color and black and white. What it means time for Americans? History defines this period as an era of counterculture. Perhaps for the first time in many years, politicians began to think about social equality. End the war in Vietnam. The only limiting factor was the development of the economic downturn. It helps us in this time travel classic American rock in the form of an unusual composition of the group «Led Zeppelin» - «D'yer Mak'er».
Music for inspiration
Photo by Flickr
Among all the piles of photos found both color and black and white. What it means time for Americans? History defines this period as an era of counterculture. Perhaps for the first time in many years, politicians began to think about social equality. End the war in Vietnam. The only limiting factor was the development of the economic downturn. It helps us in this time travel classic American rock in the form of an unusual composition of the group «Led Zeppelin» - «D'yer Mak'er».

Music for inspiration

Photo by Flickr