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Visit the Black Widow. Travel Tips

The Island of Crimea flooded with hordes of spiders Black Widow. User Sergei Anashkevich tells in detail about this predator and gives practical advice on how to protect themselves from the monster and what to do if you still have bitten?

I must say that karakurt or black widow is really the most dangerous inhabitant of the Crimea and its bite can actually be fatal. But if we look deeper, not so bad and it is important to know a few simple aspects to completely quiet rest, swim in the sea and walk along mountain trails.

As I said, Black Widow is the most dangerous wildlife that lives in the Crimea. This type of spider belongs to the infamous Black Widow, who inhabit almost a third of the globe - from the Central Asia to the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, from southern Europe to northern Africa, as well as some areas of the Urals and steppe Crimea.

This dangerous "beast" has a fairly modest size - the size of a female between 10 and 20 mm, and the male at all dwarf - a maximum of 6-7 mm. The risk to humans are exclusively female, since the male is not able to bite through human skin. WIDOW have completely black abdomen, often with red spots on the abdomen or white contours. An important feature of the Black Widow - a very long front legs.

WIDOW is very fertile. For housing and breeding female builds his den in various recesses of the soil, often in rodent holes, weaving at the entrance to a network of randomly and incorrectly Plaited. Eggs overwinter in cocoons, which are two - four hung in his den. The young leaves in April and is posted on the web by the wind. By June, the spiders have become sexually mature. With the onset of heat males and females migrate, searching for protected places where temporary network arranged for mating. After that, the female again roam in search of locations for the device permanent lair, where the cocoons are placed. It was during the onset of heat and mating is the most dangerous, because at this time increases the probability of collision with the widow.

By the way, the name Black Widow these spiders got no chance. After mating, the female kills the male. Then it is entirely busy looking for a new abode for the cocoon and offspring

Where are the most frequent travelers may encounter Widow? Favorite habitat spider - virgin, river banks, slopes of ravines, heath. Karakurt likes to settle in the burrows of field mice in the stone heaps, cracks, dry piles of old garbage. Thick grass and shrubs spider does not like, does not like high humidity. It is important to know when you go camping or to look for a place to set the tent.

By the way, one of the features karakurt have their network. Basically, they do not weave it vertically, like most spiders, and horizontally. And as I said above - it is chaotic and is located in habitat Widows. For example, in the photo on the beach near Koyashskogo lake, which is home to a huge number of Black Widow. Among these rare shrubs, as well as heaps of garbage collected by the wind, I found throughout the web and the lair of a widow. It is these spiders were the source of the photographic material for this post.

Good to know one important thing! WIDOW never attack themselves. Most often they bite if disturbed network of stepping on a spider. But if the bite was the same - it's bad. Widow Venom 10-15 times stronger than the one of the most poisonous snakes - rattlesnakes.

Bite of the Black Widow and painless at first does not cause discomfort. On the site of the bite there is a small red spot, which quickly disappears. After 15-30 minutes after the Black Widow spider bite, a strong sharp pain that spreads to the abdomen, waist, chest. The abdominal muscles tense, breathing becomes more complicated, numb legs. There comes a strong mental excitement, the victim is experiencing anxiety and fear of death. As observed dizziness, choking, vomiting, convulsions. Once bitten karakurt characteristic blue face, wrong pulse and deceleration. At the end of the primary excitation bitten a person becomes sluggish, but it does not behave calmly, severe pain do not give sleep. Symptoms usually last a day or two, in severe cases, much longer. Generally, the shorter the time between the bite and the Widow manifestation of the first symptoms - the heavier consequences. Full recovery from the sting karakurt occurs in 2-3 weeks, but the weakness lasts more than a month. In severe cases, if you do not provide medical care, death occurs after the bite karakurt 1-2 days.

What to do if bitten by a Black Widow did you? First of all, during the first minutes of the bite karakurt need to cauterize the two or three matches. To do this, attach a 3 match head to the bite and set fire to their fourth. When the bite is affected top layer of skin, so the flame of matches enough to partially neutralize the poison and destruction. Bitten to drink warm tea or water. Giving a little bit, because the bite karakurt urine deteriorates. For pain relief, you can chop painkillers (analgin 2 ml + 1 ml of diphenhydramine, ketanol 1 mL). But this is only supportive measures! In the case of a bite necessarily required urgent treatment in a medical facility. The only way to neutralize the poison is karakurt Tashkent protivokarakurtovaya serum.

Bitten to drink warm tea or water. Giving a little bit, because the bite karakurt urine deteriorates. For pain relief, you can chop painkillers (analgin 2 ml + 1 ml of diphenhydramine, ketanol 1 mL). But this is only supportive measures! In the case of a bite necessarily required urgent treatment in a medical facility. The only way to neutralize the poison is karakurt Tashkent protivokarakurtovaya serum.

It is said that in the Crimea deaths from the bite Widow have been recorded, but caution is still needed. First of all do not walk barefoot anywhere but equipped beach. If you removed the shoes during a holiday in nature, be sure to check it before putting. And be careful when choosing a place for a tent, as well as when it is installed in the ground potential habitat WIDOW. It is best to carefully examine the surrounding area for the chaotic land of cobwebs.

The back of the spider, which secrete a substance to weave a web. By the way, Black Widow spider web have a very strong and "sticky».

The photographs karakurt found on the shores of the salt lake Koyashskogo, including listed wind on salt crystals, where they posed for this post

Source: aquatek-filips.livejournal.com