How can you punish the bank
< Voronezh entered into agreement with the bank, making your edits, and is going to sue 24 million rubles
Probably not a man who would not be annoyed that the most important points in the contracts are always written "fine print."
But knowing about it, over and over again, many people sign papers without reading them carefully and pay commission, which had no idea.
42-year-old resident of Voronezh found an ingenious way to turn this feature in their favor, and now, using inattention bankers going to sue them 24 million rubles.
In 2008, a resident of the regional center has received from JSC "Tinkoff Credit Systems" letter with a proposal to use a credit card. For its design had to fill in an application form and send it to the address.
Voronezh scanned form and changed the conditions proposed by the Bank, in the same part of the small print. He pointed out that the interest rate on the loan and charge for cash funds are 0%, and the "client has the right not to pay all commissions and fees, provided the tariffs." In addition, instead of the address of the bank www.tcsbank.ru Voronezh have your site www.tcsbank.at.ua, affirming that" with the current General terms and tariffs placed on the Internet, is familiar. " In other words, he prescribed for himself unlimited and free credit.
Separately in the contract on its website envisaged if the bank violated the terms of the document. "The bank has no right to make changes and additions to these General Terms and Conditions unilaterally. In the case of changes, additions, substitutions, the General Conditions unilaterally by the Bank, the Bank shall pay compensation to customers in the amount of 3 000 000 (three million) rubles for each successive modification, addition, replacement of the General Conditions ", - said the client. Payment by bank terminate the contract unilaterally was set at 6 million rubles.
Soon legally savvy client received from the bank a copy of the approved application forms and credit card. This meant that the bank agrees to the proposed conditions. Apparently, the bankers have signed the document without reading it, without knowing that the client offered them their own terms.
Bank terminated the agreement with the Voronezh in April 2010, since, according to TCS, the client began to avoid delay in the payment of the minimum payment. Two years later, ZAO "Tinkoff Credit Systems" has gone to court to recover from the former client standard delay, commissions and penalties. Voronezh, paying only the principal amount, filed a lawsuit, claiming the bank with 24 million rubles as compensation for infringement claims credit agreement entered into on his terms.
Now Voronezh has a good chance to win a lawsuit against the bank. Not least because that earlier court upheld an agreement made by the parties. According to this decision, the contract drawn up by the customer, recognized by law.
So,% username%, Always read the fine print. Even if you - the bank :)
Honestly taken from habrahabr.ru/post/189328/
Probably not a man who would not be annoyed that the most important points in the contracts are always written "fine print."
But knowing about it, over and over again, many people sign papers without reading them carefully and pay commission, which had no idea.
42-year-old resident of Voronezh found an ingenious way to turn this feature in their favor, and now, using inattention bankers going to sue them 24 million rubles.
In 2008, a resident of the regional center has received from JSC "Tinkoff Credit Systems" letter with a proposal to use a credit card. For its design had to fill in an application form and send it to the address.
Voronezh scanned form and changed the conditions proposed by the Bank, in the same part of the small print. He pointed out that the interest rate on the loan and charge for cash funds are 0%, and the "client has the right not to pay all commissions and fees, provided the tariffs." In addition, instead of the address of the bank www.tcsbank.ru Voronezh have your site www.tcsbank.at.ua, affirming that" with the current General terms and tariffs placed on the Internet, is familiar. " In other words, he prescribed for himself unlimited and free credit.
Separately in the contract on its website envisaged if the bank violated the terms of the document. "The bank has no right to make changes and additions to these General Terms and Conditions unilaterally. In the case of changes, additions, substitutions, the General Conditions unilaterally by the Bank, the Bank shall pay compensation to customers in the amount of 3 000 000 (three million) rubles for each successive modification, addition, replacement of the General Conditions ", - said the client. Payment by bank terminate the contract unilaterally was set at 6 million rubles.
Soon legally savvy client received from the bank a copy of the approved application forms and credit card. This meant that the bank agrees to the proposed conditions. Apparently, the bankers have signed the document without reading it, without knowing that the client offered them their own terms.
Bank terminated the agreement with the Voronezh in April 2010, since, according to TCS, the client began to avoid delay in the payment of the minimum payment. Two years later, ZAO "Tinkoff Credit Systems" has gone to court to recover from the former client standard delay, commissions and penalties. Voronezh, paying only the principal amount, filed a lawsuit, claiming the bank with 24 million rubles as compensation for infringement claims credit agreement entered into on his terms.
Now Voronezh has a good chance to win a lawsuit against the bank. Not least because that earlier court upheld an agreement made by the parties. According to this decision, the contract drawn up by the customer, recognized by law.
So,% username%, Always read the fine print. Even if you - the bank :)
Honestly taken from habrahabr.ru/post/189328/