Programmer - a way of thinking
xxx: The boy fell from the 4 steps and broke his leg. How many legs will break if the boy will fall from 40 steps?
UUU: The answer may not be unique.
xxx: I mean?
1. We do not know who he broke his leg.
2. Not the fact that for every four steps he will continue to break one foot (either themselves or to anyone).
3. If the legs yet it after the first eight steps foot run out, and it will begin to break all the rest and at the end will be broken even ears.
4. What is important is the size of the forty steps. If the scale of 1:10, it still breaks a leg.
5. Taking into account the theory of probability, it can break down the stairs rather than the legs.
6. Gravity and friction force ... The challenge :(
xxx, one he broke !!! The first has already broken on 4 stairs !!! IT IS DIFFICULT NOT YOU GOAL !!! COMPUTER PIECE !!!
UUU: The answer may not be unique.
xxx: I mean?
1. We do not know who he broke his leg.
2. Not the fact that for every four steps he will continue to break one foot (either themselves or to anyone).
3. If the legs yet it after the first eight steps foot run out, and it will begin to break all the rest and at the end will be broken even ears.
4. What is important is the size of the forty steps. If the scale of 1:10, it still breaks a leg.
5. Taking into account the theory of probability, it can break down the stairs rather than the legs.
6. Gravity and friction force ... The challenge :(
xxx, one he broke !!! The first has already broken on 4 stairs !!! IT IS DIFFICULT NOT YOU GOAL !!! COMPUTER PIECE !!!