The main motivation of human

The story of the tulip crisis - what human weakness businessman can use to their advantage.
In 1593 the Netherlands were tulip bulbs. They liked the local. Flowers took well, looked cool and easy to give new varieties, which cost even more. So there was the fashion.
In the Netherlands, then the exchange has long been, and walked shares. But for tulips spices invented new financial instruments. Firstly, sold them without removing it from the ground. The buyer receives a note with the right to demand a certain amount of a certain type of bulbs. This bill. Second, selling receipts for bulbs of a new variety before it was launched. This is the futures.
Any of these securities can be resold on, so the price quickly Screw. Tulips have ceased to be a plant, and became a way of investment. And here there was terrible - the market went "common man." Peasants, sailors, servants and chimney sweeps ran change their penny on the bulb. Began "tyulpanomaniya." Prices broke through the ceiling. For bulb rare varieties gave 5 hectares or 20,000 euros for modern money.
It is clear that on this topic grazing specialists. Some lawyers wrote laws of flowers, others for the money helped them to understand. And brokers and clerks ... All they bred citizens fueled interest rates and more dispersed. Rich mortgaged estate to invest in all tulips. Beggars have organized to sell their cloth, fold and buy even the cheapest grade. Most "smart" played at Tulip exchange credit. In short, bezzzzumie.
In 1637, the bubble burst. Offer suddenly exceeded demand, started to panic. The strongest of all, as usual, got scared, "ordinary people." All sold, no one was buying. The Dutch parliament has banned tulip speculation, and flower bulbs fell to the price of a conventional bow. The market has disappeared, and the Netherlands for many years was chosen from the economic hole.
However, very similar to what we have now is going on? Only bulbs can be replaced by real estate. And what are the conclusions I draw from this story?
1. Even the smartest may suffer because of fools. Because there are many more and they can carry the weight.
2. All is repeated and repeated a million times. So no need to panic, looking for niches. TO WAR, and to whom - your own mother.
3. The stronger shout about profitability of a business, the need to be careful to treat him. Really GREAT ITEMS hiding for themselves.
4. This is the "common man" can not reasonably dispose of his own money. For him, GREED - the main motivation was is and will be. How would not look dumb proposal (MMM, trade bulbs game in a thimble), its swallow if promise huge profits. Therefore, I often laugh efforts of marketers and advertisers. Learn the target audience, develop strategy, coming up with the design. And very often break off. But the recipe tested for centuries! PROMISE MORE MONEY.
How easy to memorize a lot of information
Suicidal few secrets of sales, or how to sell snow to Mount Fuji.