Proms in America
I invite you to see pictures from the American balls from the 40s to the 90s, inclusive, and the balls of our compatriots.
I thought our graduates more dissolved and without complexes.
Proms in the United States have a rich tradition, they decided to dress in the evening gown and Tuxedo girls - boys. It is clear that in our country to "rampant capitalism" in a cruel deficit in the USSR little girl could afford. But by the eighties and nineties, with the advent of VCRs, face almost caught up, and in two-thousand graduates and now difficult to distinguish. Is that only in the degree of nudity and pretentiousness - America frank toilets discharge is considered bad manners, always write about this and meet them more often in the heading "ghetto prom" (ghetto-prom) - African Americans have lower strata.
Norman Rockwell "After prom" 1957
Graduation in the US and Canada called the prom (short for promenade). In fact prom - it does not exhaust "pure" and a ball in honor of the end of the school year, which some schools may come not just graduates. But for graduates it is this evening represents a farewell to the school. Organization of the ball by a special committee.
1920 Queen of the Ball
These people were born in 1918-1919.
Long before the ball looking for a couple of students, it can be either one of the students, and people "from outside". Therefore, the girls agree in advance of graduation with his friend, a neighbor or a boyfriend.
Some schools have a limit of age: do not invite guests over 21 years. But some come alone or in company. At the ball usually operates a formal dress code: the boys come in black or white tuxedos, girls - in evening dresses (sometimes permitted and cocktail). The guys buy the girls boutonnieres, which are attached to the dress or worn on the wrist, the boys themselves can also attach a boutonniere to Tuxedo. To arrive in the evening with a girl to the prom, young men take for rent tuxedos, rent luxury limousines. Ball is a buffet with dancing. Alcohol is forbidden, and often the director personally sees to it that all participants of the ball were sober.
Queen of the Ball 1950
At the end of the Ball announce the king and queen, who were selected by a whole-school vote. Typically, the title of King and Queen gets the graduates, who are among the most popular and beautiful school students.
Prom queen and her retinue
A graduate of dancing barefoot on the prom, 1950
King John and Queen Annette
Before graduation ball, 1950
1960, Couple dressed to the outlet, the girl dancing to music from the gramophone.
Approximately 1960
Girls with fleece 1969
Vintage Photo 1971
Ava Gardner
Elvis Presley
George Clooney
Sandra Bullock
Brad Pitt
Jennifer Aniston
Britney Spears
Heather Locklear
Natalie Portman
Lady Gaga
Michelle Obama
The worst in the world dresses for prom
This girl almost missed her prom because of too frank neckline
At school, where she studied the girl, there is a strict dress code regarding the strapless dress and cleavage. For prom girl having a magnificent bust, he chose a strapless dress. The document specifies which clothes may receive graduate, authorizes such a style. However, the girl refused to let on a holiday as long as she closed her neck with a handkerchief.
I thought our graduates more dissolved and without complexes.

Proms in the United States have a rich tradition, they decided to dress in the evening gown and Tuxedo girls - boys. It is clear that in our country to "rampant capitalism" in a cruel deficit in the USSR little girl could afford. But by the eighties and nineties, with the advent of VCRs, face almost caught up, and in two-thousand graduates and now difficult to distinguish. Is that only in the degree of nudity and pretentiousness - America frank toilets discharge is considered bad manners, always write about this and meet them more often in the heading "ghetto prom" (ghetto-prom) - African Americans have lower strata.
Norman Rockwell "After prom" 1957

Graduation in the US and Canada called the prom (short for promenade). In fact prom - it does not exhaust "pure" and a ball in honor of the end of the school year, which some schools may come not just graduates. But for graduates it is this evening represents a farewell to the school. Organization of the ball by a special committee.

1920 Queen of the Ball

These people were born in 1918-1919.

Long before the ball looking for a couple of students, it can be either one of the students, and people "from outside". Therefore, the girls agree in advance of graduation with his friend, a neighbor or a boyfriend.

Some schools have a limit of age: do not invite guests over 21 years. But some come alone or in company. At the ball usually operates a formal dress code: the boys come in black or white tuxedos, girls - in evening dresses (sometimes permitted and cocktail). The guys buy the girls boutonnieres, which are attached to the dress or worn on the wrist, the boys themselves can also attach a boutonniere to Tuxedo. To arrive in the evening with a girl to the prom, young men take for rent tuxedos, rent luxury limousines. Ball is a buffet with dancing. Alcohol is forbidden, and often the director personally sees to it that all participants of the ball were sober.
Queen of the Ball 1950

At the end of the Ball announce the king and queen, who were selected by a whole-school vote. Typically, the title of King and Queen gets the graduates, who are among the most popular and beautiful school students.
Prom queen and her retinue

A graduate of dancing barefoot on the prom, 1950

King John and Queen Annette


Before graduation ball, 1950

1960, Couple dressed to the outlet, the girl dancing to music from the gramophone.


Approximately 1960




Girls with fleece 1969

Vintage Photo 1971



Ava Gardner

Elvis Presley

George Clooney

Sandra Bullock

Brad Pitt

Jennifer Aniston

Britney Spears

Heather Locklear
Natalie Portman

Lady Gaga

Michelle Obama

The worst in the world dresses for prom

This girl almost missed her prom because of too frank neckline
At school, where she studied the girl, there is a strict dress code regarding the strapless dress and cleavage. For prom girl having a magnificent bust, he chose a strapless dress. The document specifies which clothes may receive graduate, authorizes such a style. However, the girl refused to let on a holiday as long as she closed her neck with a handkerchief.