The parable of the HR-director

One very successful HR-director of the hit by a bus. Her soul went up to the gates of heaven, where she was met by Saint Peter himself.
-Welcome To heaven - he said - but because none of the HR-specialists have not been so close to eternal life in heaven, we do not know how you do.
- Just let me in.
- I'd love to, but I have an order from above. We invite you to spend a day in paradise a day in hell and then you will be able to choose where you spend eternity.
- I've already decided. But I prefer to be in paradise.
- But we have a rule, first in hell.
Peter ran the elevator down and HR-director went to hell. When the doors opened, she found that he was on a beautiful golf course and country club located nearby, where she met with all its familiar HR-directors. They had fun and recalled the best moments of their HR-life.
Meeting with the devil it was pleasantly surprised because it was quite a nice man. There was a lot of dancing and fine dining, and then she said goodbye to everyone, got into the elevator and spent her day in heaven, playing the harp and singing.
Time passed quickly, he came to St. Peter, and asked her about the decision.
- Well, I used to think and could not make up my mind that this, after all the heavens I really liked it, but hell I was still fun.
Peter held her to the elevator and again she went down. The door opened in front of her empty lot, very similar to the dump. She watched as her colleagues in ragged clothes collect garbage in bags. Devil approached her and took her hand.
- I do not understand - stuttering, she said - yesterday everything was fine, and nice, and fun, and today is just awful and my friends in this form ...
- Yesterday we hired you, but today you are in a state - told her the devil.