9 Commandments relationships with men for real women

1. This woman attracts men to their internal state - in the first place. Ethnicity, intelligence, age, social status, quality of character - all this, in fact, deeply again. The state attracts men - it's yours to enjoy themselves and their lives. Enjoy yourself - it's a difficult art, but mastered it, you become a strong magnet.
2.Lyubov a man begins with self-love. Usually, we think the opposite: "When someone love me, then I will love myself." But as long as the woman does not happen with the novel itself, every man is for her just a therapist trying to cure her of rejection itself and fear of being alone.
3. A man does not love the woman herself, and its state near ney.SOSTOYaNIE.
4.Schedrost Women love attracts love for her. If a woman wants to be loved, it should be able to saturate love everything what touches. If you exhale love, she will find you naturally.
5. Men - this is Gods. Any man - God. Exactly. This woman does not compete with men, and he does not prove his perfection. She does not modify or raising. She sees all that is best in each of them. This woman loves, appreciates and respects men in general, as a class. This position creates a space in her life for interesting and worthy men.
7.Ryadom with a real woman is always a feat. It creates it. A woman in a man excites the desire to prove themselves strong, without imposing his duties 'thou shalt', but gently inviting fairy tale "The Princess and Hero." This woman prepares a man to commit acts gradually and imperceptibly, nothing to do without, just being in the form of delicate, fragile young ladies.
8. This woman is not involved in the feminist women's clubs. This woman will not make generalizations like "All of them ...." She knows that all men - different. Each woman creates his universe, and it is surrounded by the men, whom she attracts into your life. Talking with friends about your man, it will not focus on his shortcomings, criticize and devalue, exposing him unworthy.
9. This woman even unpleasant things can speak correctly and in good faith. She says their men so that it does not degrade them, and pushes to change for the better. This is a great women's art - be friendly, even when it should be said about the shortcomings and mistakes. It does not matter what the woman says, but how she says it. She says maintaining a sense of self-worth and dignity of the person to whom it is said. She knows that even criticism can be submitted so that it inspires feat. However, it always leaves a man a choice: change or not.