Baba driving

Eyewitness:'m waiting until the repaired tire. Tire fitting pulls up to infinity with a flat tire, out of it comes out all of a glamorous lady. So they say so, that's the wheel, it is required to fix it. Guys like it should remove the tire repair and campaign makes one ask: "What wheels to pump? "As if there are options :), and then it began ...
The girl: - And what is?
At this point, the guy probably woke Petrosyan, and he says:
- Well, the air with a different smell: peach, strawberry.
All tire starts to giggle, everyone does their job, but the ears have turned to the virgins.
- And how much?
Boy: - 800 rubles.
all-wheel drive. Everyone has barely restrained so as not to
neighing loudly. Maid:
- Well, I - with strawberries.
Tire dies, all the tears on the part of the people trying to help it, do not get inflated wheels ... "strawberries." The lady, without a shadow of a smile counts the money goes. All cry. Then again witness: and so it was necessary to get to that in a couple of days I'm on the same installation. He arrives at the same infinity, because it leaves a solid guy and asks:
- Two days ago here doing a wheel on this machine?
Guys shrank in the gap.
- Who specifically did the wheel on the machine two days ago?
Well, all right now, they will be punished, but we must admit. It turns out the owner and modestly so, is guilty:
- Well ... yes ... my guys did ...
Man: - So here is my wife strawberries wheels pumped?
Host: - Well ... it's ... um ...
A guy:
- Hold a thousand rubles!
- a… ?? Man: - Three days of not sleeping - rzhu, all the lads told me everything just lying around.
Mounting again in tears.