One species but different worlds

It is obvious that men and women differ from each other. We are no worse and no better than each other - we are different. The only thing we have in common - we are individuals of one species. The differences between us so great that involuntarily wonder how we ever get along.

1. A man sees things and objects in their spatial relationship to each other as if the world adds a picture of the mosaic.
The woman immediately takes in the bigger picture. She notices mainly parts of its interests the relationship of each particle to the adjacent mosaic, but not the spatial relationship of all particles.

2. Man is aimed at to achieve the goal, to win a certain social status and power, to win the competition and successfully achieve the "final line".
The focus of women's interests - communication, cooperation, harmony, love and understanding.

3. stress man drinks alcohol and invades a neighboring country, a woman is eating chocolate and interferes in the market.

4. agitated state woman says without thinking, and the man acts without thinking. That's why 90% of prisoners - men and 90% of patients, psychoanalysts - women.
When the stressful condition occurs simultaneously in both, they come in terms of emotions into a minefield. Women trying to talk, and men actively do not want.

5. To comfort her, she tries to get him to talk about their problems - can not think of anything worse. He asked not to harass him and removed to a secluded place.

6. When he was cut off from her on her stone, she feels rejected and unloved, and dials the phone number of his mother, sister or friend.
When a man realizes that the woman is under stress, or it is necessary to solve a serious problem, he does it as well as with other men: leave, to enable it to find solutions to their problems.

7. He asks: "Is everything all right, dear?", He received a standard reply: "Yes, all right," which means, "If you love me, to ask more." But he said: "Excellent" and sits down at his computer. She thinks: "He is inconsiderate and heartless" and starts phoning friends. Girlfriends gasps, knowing how badly it and what it is insensitive.

In the old days, men never had to deal with the problems that are faced by modern man. To make love to his wife and family, the man did what he always did: went to work and bring home a piece of meat. So it was millions of years, and for men it is the most natural way to show your love. Now, in many countries, 50% of working - women, so the burden of ensuring the full and exclusive family men shot.
From the men needed the art of communication, but such abilities evolution had not laid. Such an art to learn.


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